Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5742/1510039
Suture Technique and Complications following Paediatric Testicular Fixation
Caroline Smith and Prasad Godbole
Article Type: Original Article | First Published: May 25, 2018
Testicular torsion occurs in 1:4000 males between the ages of 11 and 16 years of age (original data). In the case of detorsion and salvage of testes bilateral fixation is to be recommended due to the anatomical configuration predisposing to intra-vaginal rotation around the suspensory cord containing the testicular vessels. Though fixation is mandated by BAPU and ESPU references method of fixation remains surgeon preference....
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5742/1510038
Is Routine Uroflowmetry Necessary following Hypospadias Repair?
Caroline Smith and Prasad Godbole
Article Type: Original Article | First Published: May 25, 2018
Uroflow parameters post hypospadias repair are known to remain poor initially but most improve with time. There is a recognised group of patients who develop late deterioration of flow and may require surgical intervention, but at present there are no standardised guidelines as to length and nature of follow up....
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5742/1510037
Outcome of Varicoceles Scrotal Sclerotherapy in Infertile Patients with Recurrent Varicocele
Mazen A Ghanem, Essa A Adawi, Manal A Safan and Ashraf A Ghanem
Article Type: Original Article | First Published: May 14, 2018
A total of 54 patients with persistent or recurrent varicocele and impaired semen quality underwent ASS for the treatment of a varicocele. The parameters for evaluation every 6 months after redo surgery included semen parameters, serum levels of inhibin B, FSH, total testosterone, testicular volume, postoperative complications and spontaneous pregnancy rates....
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5742/1510036
Role of High Midline Levator Myorrhaphy in Prolapse Repair: Long-Term Results
Yuefeng (Rose) Wu, Alana L Christie, Feras Alhalabi and Philippe E Zimmern
Article Type: Original Article | First Published: February 07, 2018
Pelvic organ prolapses (POP) is widely prevalent and leads to more than 300,000 surgeries in the United States costing more than $1 billion annually. Vaginal vault prolapses (VP), prolapse of the vaginal apex, can be a result of cardinal and utero-sacral ligaments laxity and/or damage. The risk of VP increases with advancing age and number of vaginal deliveries. VP has a prevalence of 0.2% to 43% in various studies, with a recurrent prolapse rate of 5 to 34% and reoperation rate of 5-26% dependi...