Table 1: The main demographic, clinical and radiological characteristics.


Effectifs = 37

Mean Age (years)

57.4 ± 16.7

Female gender féminin

20 (54.1)

Previous nephropathy:


-                   glomerular nephropathy

6 (16.2)

-                   Diabetes

7 (18.9)

-                   Vascular nephropathy

3 (8.1)

-                   Unknowed nephropathy

10 (27)

-                   Chronictubulo-interstitial nephropathy

10 (27)

-                   Heriditary nephropathy

1 (2.7)

Length of time on haemodialysis(month)

108 [41;180]

Vascular approach :


-                   Arteriovenousfistula

36 (97.3)

-                   Catheter

1 (2.7)



-                   Diabetes

8 (21.6)

-                   Hypertension

21 (56.8)

-                   Tabagism


-                   Dyslipidemia

9 (24.3)

-                   Coronaropathy


Mean of bloodpressure (mmHg) 

128 ± 18/70 ± 12

Signs of clinical overload


-                   Patients on overload

7 (18.9)

-                   Hypertension

11 (29.7)

-                   Upper limb edema

5 (13.5)

-                   Jugularvein hypertension

3 (8.1)

-                   crepitus

7 (18.9)

-                   Cardiomegaly

3 (8.1)

-                   Hilar overload

10 (27)

-                   Pleural effusion

2 (5.4)



-                   Diuretics

8 (21.6)

-                   ACE inhibitors

9 (24.3)

-                   Statins

6 (16.2)

-                   Hemodiafiltration

36 (97.3)

-                   Heart failure

3 (8.1)

Data of transthoracic echocardiography


-                   LVH

14 (37.8)

-                   Pericardic effusion

1 (97.3)

-                   Dilated IVC

4 (10.8)

-                   Normal LV filling pressure

33 (89.2)

-                   PAH

9 (24.3)

Pulmonary echography


-                   B Kerleylines

18 (48.6)

-                   Number of site = 0

19 (51.4)

-                   Number of site = 2 ou plus

17 (45.9)

Overload signs in pulmonary ultrasound

17 (45.9)