Table 4: SRLPS, MAI Subtest Mean Scores, Total Mean Test Scores, ABSITE Mean Scores, by PGY levels

PGY Level 1 PGY Levels 2-3 PGY Levels 4-5
ABSITE Mean Percentile Scores 70 36 65
SRLPS Factor 1:Motivation and action to learning 31 31 30
SRLPS Factor 2: Planning and goal setting 33 31 33
SRLPS Factor 3: Strategies for learning and assessment 77 71 72
SRLPS Factor 4: Lack of self-directedness 27 24 27
SRLPS Total Mean Score 167 157 162
MAI Factor 1: Declarative Knowledge 31 30 35
MAI Factor 2: Procedural Knowledge 16 16 18
MAI Factor 3: Conditional Knowledge 20 20 20
MAI Factor 4: Planning 27 25 28
MAI Factor 5: Information Management Strategies 41 38 42
MAI Factor 6: Monitoring 29 26 29
MAI Factor 7: Debugging strategies 21 19 21
MAI Factor 8: Evaluation 23 21 24
MAI Factor 9: Knowledge of Cognition 68 66 72
MAI Factor 10: Regulation of Cognition 141 129 145
MAI Total Mean Score 208 195 217