Table 1: Questions asked during elicitation interviews, derived
from Ajzen’s TPB questionnaire construction for
eliciting salient beliefs [16].
Outcomes |
1. What
do you see as the advantages of
breastfeeding your infant, following your return to work from leave, for at
least six months? |
2. What
do you see as the disadvantages of
breastfeeding your infant, following your return to work from leave, for at
least six months? |
3. What
else comes to mind when you think of breastfeeding your infant, following
your return to work from leave, for at least six months? |
Referentsa |
1. Please
name the individuals of groups who would approve
of think you should breastfeed
your infant, following your return to work from leave, for at least six
months. |
2. Please
name the individuals or groups who would disapprove
of think you should not breastfeed
your infant, following your return to work from leave, for at least six
months. |
3. Sometimes,
when we are not sure what to do, we look to see what others are doing. Please name the individuals or groups that
would be most likely to breastfeed
their infants after returning to work from leave, for at least six months. |
4. Please
name the individuals or groups that would be least likely to breastfeed their infants after returning to work
from leave, for at least six months. |
Factors |
1. Please
name any circumstances or factors that would make it easy or enable you to
breastfeed your infant, following your return to work from maternity leave,
for at least six months. |
2. Please
name any circumstances or factors that would make it difficult or prevent
you from breastfeeding your infant, following your return to work from
maternity leave, for at least six months. |
Question |
Is there anything else that you would like
to add on the topic? |
aParticipants were read the following statement
prior to being asked the Normative Referent questions:
For the next group of questions I will ask about individuals or groups who
may or may not support breastfeeding. I do not intend for you to tell me the
person’s actual name, just his or her relationship or role to you; for
example, mother, spouse, friend. |