Table 3: MRI characteristics to distinguish CFES for DAI.
Characteristic | CFES | DAI |
Vasogenic edema on T2/FLAIR | +++ | ++ |
Cytoxic edema- restricted diffusion on DWI | +++ | ++ |
Petechial hemorrhages on SWI imaging | ++++ | +++ |
Corpus Callosum Involvement | +++ | +++ |
Numbers of Micro hemorrhages | +++++ | ++ |
Location of Micro Hemorrhages | Digitate white matter and cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum | Superficial gray-white matter junctions, deep white matter at corners of frontal horns, midline of the splenium of corpus callosum, septum pellucidum, parahippocampal region, posterolateral brainstem |
Size of Micro Hemorrhages | Very small | Large/coarse lesions |
Radial Diffusivity | ++++ | ++ |
Fractional Anistropy | Lower (see Bodanapally et al (20) for FA and RD threshold values) | Higher |