Table 1: Reference strains of E. coli used in IMS sensitivity and specificity experiments

Strain name Origin Year of isolation O serotype Presence of gene: Literature/source
stx1 stx2
K-H-1 Human, Korea 1995 O143 - - [27]
K-H-2 Human, Korea 1995 O1661 - - [27]
M47 Beef, Malaysia 1997 OUT2 - - Laboratory stock
PE-7 Human, Brazil 1989 O126 - - [29]
KETE Human, USA Unknown O6 - - [30]
KEIE Human, Thailand 1991-1992 O124 - - [31]
EDL993 Human, USA 1982 O157 + + [32]
PV11-004 Human, Japan 2011 O91 + - Laboratory stock
PV11-006 Human, Japan 2011 O26 + - Laboratory stock
PV11-035 Human, Japan 2011 O145 - + Laboratory stock
PV10-104 Human, Japan 2010 O103 + - Laboratory stock
PV08-103 Human, Japan 2008 O111 + + Laboratory stock

1Reported as OUT in the indicated literature, but subsequently determined to be O166 by the author (A.Y.K.).
2OUT: untypable for O serogroup.