To investigate the preferences of Turkish dentists in repairing dental materials. 344 Turkish dentists participated the survey. The questionnaire consisted of 3 sections. In the first part demographic features were asked. The case was presented in the second part; How treatment plans change was asked in the cases such as partial loss of restoration, discoloration, loss of hard substance, secondary caries, marginal discoloration, and marginal gap. In the third part, the most frequently used materials in repairing were demanded. Descriptive statics with Pearson's χ2 test was conducted and the risk assessments of factors affecting the choice of repair decision were computed using logistic regression analysis. In amalgam restorations, the participants preferred replacement rather than repair in all cases (OR > 1). The replacement was preferred much more and least in the case of secondary caries (OR = 23.57) and the case of partial loss of the restoration (OR = 1.18), respectively. In composite resin restorations, the participants preferred repair rather than replacement in the cases of partial loss of the restoration and loss of dental hard substance (OR < 1). Repair is not preferred many by Turkish dentists. The superior aspects of repair treatment should be further emphasized in dentistry faculties.