These cells seem to be of great importance concerning periodontal regeneration as well as bone and dentin regeneration. However, further work on the subject needs to be developed [23,52,53]
On the other hand, they have been able to generate a dentin pulp-like complex [11,16,53]. |
These stem cells seem to be capable of generating bone, cementum, periodontal ligament-like structures and to increase periodontal regeneration [16,52]. When compared to other mesenchymal stem cells they appear to be more indicated when periodontal regeneration is intended [11,52]. |
This group of stem cells are believed to be a valuable alternative when periodontal regeneration is intended and also demonstrate the ability to reconstitute a dentin pulp-like complex [11,16,52,53]. | .
Moreover, SHED have shown bone regenerative capacity [16,23,53]. |
These stem cells demonstrated positive results in what concerns the formation of dentin pulp-like complex [11,16,23,54].
Associated with PDLSCs, SCAPs were able to form a root-like structure when seeded onto hydroxyapatite-based scaffolds and implanted in pig jaws [52,54]. |
The micro-environments where this stem cells are implanted have great importance to determine which tissues they are capable of forming (e.g. DFPCs implanted in the non-mineralized omental pocket contributed to dentin regeneration; DFPCs implanted in the highly mineralized skull contributed to matrix formation; DFPCs implanted in the alveolar fossa contributed to the formation of root like tissues with a pulp-dentin complex and a periodontal ligament connecting a cementum-like layer to host alveolar bone). Another important information provided by these studies is that DFPCs demonstrated high potential towards tooth roots regeneration [52]. |
Moreover, this group of stem cells is also capable of generating a bone/cementum-like tissue [16]. |