Table 6: Regression analyses of kinetic variables of Right-sided Achilles tendinopathy (Left foot).

Dependent variable Adjustment for Confounder Independent Variable B P-value R2(%) CI (95%)
Activity Domain - Base of support (cm) -1.358 0.007 87.0 -2.086, -0.630
Age -1.352 0.018 88.3 -2.267, -0.437
Age + BMI -1.324 0.015 97.5 -2.033, -0.615
Age + BMI + Activity -1.500 0.033 99.8 -2.504, -0.497

B = Regression coefficient, CI = Confidence Intervals at 95%, R2 = Coefficient of determination

P-value significant < 0.05


Base of support: Mediolateral distance between the heels during double support