Table 1: Socio-demographic characteristics of patients.

Variables X ± SD Number Percent (%)
Age 59.17 ± 14.84
Number of Children 3.77 ± 2.69
Duration to Undergo Hemodialysis (Years) 5.87 ± 5.00
Female 147 40.5
Male 216 59.5
Marital Status
Married 271 74.7
Single 37 10.2
Divorced 55 15.2
Educational Level
Non-literate 95 26.2
Literate 50 13.8
Primary 116 32.0
Secondary 75 20.7
Higher education and above 27 7.4
Economic status
High 26 7.2
Medium 138 38.0
Low 199 54.8
Employment status
Employed 17 4.7
Unemployed 185 51.0
Retired 161 44.4
Meeting his/her own needs
Able 250 68.9
Unable 113 31.1
The presence of chronic disease other than CRF
There is a chronic disease 285 78.5
There is no chronic disease 78 21.5
Total 363 100

*More than one answer was given, X ± SD: Mean ± Std. Deviation.