Table 1: Managerial practices to increase workplace positivity [13].

1. Positive Thinking

Positive Focus

Ignore small negative frustrations

Celebrate small wins

Share success stories

Point out individual HCW's strengths

Focus on solutions rather than problems


Help HCWs view adverse events as temporary setbacks

Dispute pessimistic thoughts

Learn from mistakes

Trying new ideas/changes to reach goals


Develop a culture of gratitude

Appreciate the current situation

Start meetings by asking HCWs what they are thankful for

Express gratitude frequently


Develop a culture of forgiveness

Mistakes happen but don't blame or dwell on what happened

View mistakes as opportunities to learn

2. Positive Relationships


View HCWs as competent and valuable

Listen to the HCW's ideas and opinions

Use collaborative problem solving

Let HCWs know you appreciate who they are


Recognize HCWs for doing good job or behaviour

Recognize HCWs for what they achieved

Recognize HCWs contributing to cost reduction and extraordinary work

Recognize HCWs during work and after their retirement

Celebrate accomplishments


Act with integrity, dependability, and benevolence

Encourage participation in decision making in delicate matters Share information freely


Establish a culture of support

Reward people for helping their colleagues

Establish a mentorship program

3. Strengths


Look for rapid learning, high energy or repeated success

Administrate a strength's inventory/team feedback loop/direct observation


Select individuals whose strengths fit the ministry's needs

Assign, or modify roles to maximize the use of HCW's strengths

Designate a few hours each week as "strengths time"

Experience moments of flow


Focus feedback on HCW's strengths (e.g., give three positive to one negative feedback)

Provide job training to develop the HCW's strengths

Provide skill-building training

Provide good mentoring/coaching

4. Empowerment


Define goals and expectations

Define results/outcomes expected

Define the HCWs responsibility


Provide the time, encouragement and resources needed to achieve goals

Remove obstacles/barriers to success

Manage roles as a facilitator, coordinator, and supporter of the achievement


Let HCWs choose how to do their work

Provide supporting autonomy and direct support when it is needed

5. Meaning


Continuously remind HCWs of the company's mission Clarify office purpose and there a son for existing


Highlight the impact of action have on clients or colleagues

Show customer appreciation for their work

Social Responsibility

Communicate the company's social responsibility initiatives Encourage participation in social responsibility programs
6. Wellbeing


Adopt wellness programs to prevent health problems

Encourage a healthy lifestyle

Provide fitness facilitate

Provide stress management program


Play games, have parties, find creative ways to have fun in/outside work

Work-Life Fit

Choosing appropriate work schedule that fit HCWs needs

Offer quality of life benefits, flexible work, childcare, etc.