Table 1: Summary of the main contents and exercises used in the intervention protocol.


Supervised group exercises sessions

Home based-exercise

Life lessons






Session 1

Practicing the static and dynamic self- evaluation of the lower member alignments in front of the mirror.

Understanding the Motor Coordination’ principles with focus about how tensions are generated by muscles that causes alignment (anterior tibialis, sartorius and iliopsoas).

Understanding the effects of misalignments on injuries development.

Practicing of Motor Coordination’ torsions (learning how to promote tibia and fibula internal rotation together with calcaneus external rotation, ankle flexion and femur external rotation).

Understanding and practicing the self- alignment evaluation during plié, fondu with feet different positions: Acquiring personal knowledge of the torsions, self-evaluation and control of foot arch, pelvic position and knee alignment.

Practicing of Alavanca e Reggae exercises.

Explanation about home based-exercise sessions and “life lessons”.

Execution of 4 sets of Alavanca (unilaterais and bilaterais) and Reggae exercises using different board superficies. 



Observation of the knee alignment during the walking, stair climbing and when standing up.

Observation of the noise produced by feet (heel or feet) during the contact with the ground in walking.




Session 2


Talk about home-based exercises and life lessons.

Practice and correction of the routine home-based exercises session 1 in small groups.

Practice and self-evaluation of the walking using the Motor Coordination’ torsions.

Understanding body structures: acquiring personal knowledge of the columna vertebralis and pelvic floor.

Practicing of Frontal Plank and Lateral Plank with pendulum exercises.

Execution of the session 1 home-based exercises more quickly. Practicing of 1 or 2 sets of Frontal Plank and Lateral Plank with pendulum exercises

Walking using Alavanca technique and torsions and pendulum technique.

 Observing the noise produced by feet (heel or feet) during the contact with the ground in walking.



Session 3


Talk about home-based exercises and life lessons.

Understanding body structures: Acquiring personal knowledge of the correct position of shoulder blade.

Practicing of the routine of 1 and 2 sessions home-based exercises.

Practicing of the sequence of steps from MADAAMI with feet parallel and self en dehors in front of the mirror.

Practicing of the Petit Sauté exercise without any noise during the jump landing.

Practicing of the pendulum exercise in stand-up position.

In small groups and in front of the mirror, practicing of the walking with large steps and with maintenance of motor coordination torsions and using pendulum technique by different proprioceptive challenge.

Execution of number reduced of sets of session 1, 2 and 3 home-based exercises. Practicing of exercises: Alavanca, Reggaes, Frontal and Lateral Plank exercises

Walking with long steps using motor coordination torsions and different proprioceptive challenges (different boards and speeds).

Observation of the noise produced by feet (heel or feet) during the contact with the ground in walking.





Session 4


Talk about home-based exercises and life lessons.

Practice and correction of the routine home-based exercises session 3 in front of the mirror.

Practicing the sequence of steps ballet (fondu relevé, petit sautés with épaulement glissades and pointe shoes) using all acquired technical knowledge.

Explanation of the importance of “think before doing” a movement or exercise. 

Understanding the importance of maintenance of alignments and torsions during the daily day and the before or after the ballet classes.

For maintenance of results acquired: Practicing Alavanca, Reggae, Frontal and Lateral Plank exercises.

Walking with long steps using motor coordination torsions and different proprioceptive challenges (different boards and speeds).

Observation of the noise produced by feet (heel or feet) during contact with the ground in walking.