Table 1: Background characteristics of a sample of Swedish women with and without rheumatoid arthritis.

With RA nd Without RA nd P-value
Age, median (IQR), years 55 (45-61) 149 47 (36-56) 162 < 0.001a**
Weight, median (IQR), kg 70 (60-79) 148 65 (60-72) 162 0.007a**
BMI, median (IQR), kg/m2 25 (22-28) 148 23 (21-26) 162 0.001a**
BMI category, % 147 162 0.008b**
Underweight 2 3 3 5
Normal weight 50 73 67 108
Overweight 32 48 23 37
Obese 16 23 7 12
Education, % 148 163 < 0.001b**
None 1 2 0 0
Compulsory school (9 yrs.) 14 20 4 7
Upper secondary school, vocational education or equivalent (2 yrs.) 21 31 11 18
Upper secondary school (3 yrs) 17 25 16 26
University 47 70 69 112
Use of nicotine, % 14 150 12 163 0.65c
Other illness than RA, % 36 150 18 162 < 0.001b**

aDetermined by Mann-Whitney U test; bDetermined by Fisher’s exact test; cDetermined by Chi2-test; dDue to missing data for some variables exact numbers are given; BMI: Body Mass Index; RA: Rheumatoid arthritis; **p < 0.01.