International Archives of

Nursing and Health CareISSN: 2469-5823

Editorial Board

Michael B. Perlow


School of Nursing

Murray State University

Murray, KY


Dr. Perlow received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Purdue University in 1970. In addition he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Eastern Kentucky University in 1976, a Master of Science in Nursing Degree from the University of Evansville in 1979 and the Doctor of Nursing Science from Indiana University in 1987. He began his career as a baccalaureate and higher education nurse faculty in 1978 and is in his thirty fourth year as a nurse educator. He has practiced as an adult health and adult mental health nurse in a variety of facilities. The

Dr. Perlow received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Purdue University in 1970. In addition he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Eastern Kentucky University in 1976, a Master of Science in Nursing Degree from the University of Evansville in 1979 and the Doctor of Nursing Science from Indiana University in 1987. He began his career as a baccalaureate and higher education nurse faculty in 1978 and is in his thirty fourth year as a nurse educator. He has practiced as an adult health and adult mental health nurse in a variety of facilities. The focus of his research has been in the psychosocial dimensions of adult health. Recently he has focused on review articles describing issues with reperfusion in cardiac patients as well as inflammatory response in CAD. His focus as a nurse educator has been in adult health and as a result he has taught all levels of adult health at both the baccalaureate and master's level. He has also taught such supportive courses as nursing theory, nursing research, issues in nursing, nursing management and professional transitions for both pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing student as well as associate degree nurses seeking to complete the BSN. He was one of the initial nurse faculty to teach utilizing Interactive Television (ITV) via distance technology and continues to teach web based nursing courses. He was promoted to Professor in 2002. He has published numerous articles and participated as a research consultant for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. He was recognized by the Regents of Murray State University for excellence in teaching in 2002. He has been honored with membership in Sigma Theta Tau, the International Nursing Honor Society; Sigma Xi, the International Research Society; and Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.

Adel W Ekladious

Professor, Senior Consultant

Department of Medicine

Bega - South East Regional Hospital


Adel Ekladious is a New Zealand trained physician with an expertise in stroke, general neurology, chronic hepatitis and general hepatology. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Physician of Ireland, Glasgow, London, American College of Physician and Australasian College of Physician. He is an international examiner of the Royal College of Physician, Dublin. He examines for Australasian College of Physician, University of Western Australia and Australian Medical Council. Professor Ekladious is expert on Pulmonary hypertension, Porto pulmonary hypertension and stroke. He published widely in rare diseases, stroke and clinical governance. Pulmonary hypertension, peripheral neuropathy and gangilonopathy.

Adel Ekladious is a New Zealand trained physician with an expertise in stroke, general neurology, chronic hepatitis and general hepatology. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Physician of Ireland, Glasgow, London, American College of Physician and Australasian College of Physician. He is an international examiner of the Royal College of Physician, Dublin. He examines for Australasian College of Physician, University of Western Australia and Australian Medical Council. Professor Ekladious is expert on Pulmonary hypertension, Porto pulmonary hypertension and stroke. He published widely in rare diseases, stroke and clinical governance. Pulmonary hypertension, peripheral neuropathy and gangilonopathy.

Eric J. Hwang


Department of Occupational Therapy

College of Health, Human Services and Nursing

California State University, Dominguez Hills

Carson, CA, USA

Eric J. Hwang, PhD., OTR/L, has been an educator, a researcher and a clinician in occupational therapy for over 20 years. Recently, his clinical practice has focused on health promotion and chronic disease management for older adults in community settings. His research interests include strategies for promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors and quality of life among community-dwelling older adults, and functional evaluations and interventions for individuals with chronic conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Hwang is well-known for his health-related lifestyle measures: Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) and the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile-Screener (HELP-Screener). These instruments

Eric J. Hwang, PhD., OTR/L, has been an educator, a researcher and a clinician in occupational therapy for over 20 years. Recently, his clinical practice has focused on health promotion and chronic disease management for older adults in community settings. His research interests include strategies for promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors and quality of life among community-dwelling older adults, and functional evaluations and interventions for individuals with chronic conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Hwang is well-known for his health-related lifestyle measures: Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) and the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile-Screener (HELP-Screener). These instruments have been considered valuable clinical tools for use in the geriatric client populations to assess diverse lifestyle behaviors and implement possible health-promoting and disease-prevention strategies. Research Expertise: Clinical assessments: assessment development and psychometric (reliability and validity) studies, Quality of life research, Health promotion and disease prevention, Rasch analysis and advanced statistical techniques, Clinical control trials and outcome research for clients with chronic conditions and Cross-cultural studies on lifestyle and health behaviors.

Margaret O'Brien King

Professor Emerita

School of Nursing

Xavier University

Cincinnati, OH, USA

Margaret O'Brien King, PhD, RN-BC, AHN-BC, CNL is currently Professor Emerita and former Associate Director of the Undergraduate Program, School of Nursing at Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH where she was a faculty member for 27 years. She was responsible for the development of a nursing curriculum incorporating the Scope and Standards of Holistic Nursing. It was largely through her work that the School of Nursing was recognized as one of two initial schools providing a nursing curriculum that would authorize students to obtain Holistic Nurse Certification through the American Nurses Certification Committee. The two-step process consists of successful

Margaret O'Brien King, PhD, RN-BC, AHN-BC, CNL is currently Professor Emerita and former Associate Director of the Undergraduate Program, School of Nursing at Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH where she was a faculty member for 27 years. She was responsible for the development of a nursing curriculum incorporating the Scope and Standards of Holistic Nursing. It was largely through her work that the School of Nursing was recognized as one of two initial schools providing a nursing curriculum that would authorize students to obtain Holistic Nurse Certification through the American Nurses Certification Committee. The two-step process consists of successful completion of their nursing program and certification exam. This distinction remains in place to this day. She has had the opportunity to publish and review numerous manuscripts related to holistic nursing, leadership, gerontology, integrative therapies, education and self-care. She frequently is invited to address nurses encouraging them to follow in Florence Nightingale's footsteps. Her most recent recognition for her work with the American Holistic Nurses Association was the presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2015 annual meeting recognizing her passion and expertise with holistic nursing.

Andrew Hague

Professor of Advanced Medicine

President, CellSonic Limited: Manufacturers of Medical Equipment

United Kingdom

Professor Andrew Hague is the owner and founder of CellSonic Limited and advises the Universities of Bradford in England and Hyderabad in India. Andrew Hague's interest in the technology that was to become CellSonic began in 1987 with the first lithotripter in Britain. Using his own capital he developed the CellSonic VIPP machines and sold them around the world. In 2016, Professor Hague devised the protocol for curing cancer and this is now used in CellSonic Clinics in India, Peru, Switzerland and Poland. CellSonic VIPP has been used for physiotherapy and sports medicine for twenty years. His Medical Research interests

Professor Andrew Hague is the owner and founder of CellSonic Limited and advises the Universities of Bradford in England and Hyderabad in India. Andrew Hague's interest in the technology that was to become CellSonic began in 1987 with the first lithotripter in Britain. Using his own capital he developed the CellSonic VIPP machines and sold them around the world. In 2016, Professor Hague devised the protocol for curing cancer and this is now used in CellSonic Clinics in India, Peru, Switzerland and Poland. CellSonic VIPP has been used for physiotherapy and sports medicine for twenty years. His Medical Research interests are Cancer - diagnosis and treatment, Diabetes - reversal, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

Faisal Aboul-Enein

Chairman of the Advisory Board

Center for Healthcare Innovation Business Development

Houston, Texas, USA

Tel: 832-731-5398

Dr. Aboul-Enein holds Doctor of Public Health with a specialisation in Community Health, Healthcare Administration from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. He also is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health and a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives. He is fluent in Arabic, English and Spanish. Aboul-Enein's first hand experience as a practising nurse practitioner has exposed him to a common theme, the uncoordinated and disconnected care of patients. This common theme inspired Dr. Aboul-Enein to develop a population health model detailed in his published account Empowering Clinicians: A Population

Dr. Aboul-Enein holds Doctor of Public Health with a specialisation in Community Health, Healthcare Administration from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. He also is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health and a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives. He is fluent in Arabic, English and Spanish. Aboul-Enein's first hand experience as a practising nurse practitioner has exposed him to a common theme, the uncoordinated and disconnected care of patients. This common theme inspired Dr. Aboul-Enein to develop a population health model detailed in his published account Empowering Clinicians: A Population Health Model through needs and consensus. Dr. Aboul-Enein's faculty appointment has allowed him to influence many avenues of thought: Graduate Nursing Management & Leadership, healthcare innovations, healthcare administration, and Masters in Health Administration. He served patriotic duty in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corp as a Lt. Commander. His duties included serving the Office of the Surgeon General as a nurse practitioner providing correctional care and health care advisement.

Sally Chan


Head, School of Nursing and Midwifery

University of Newcastle


Tel: 612-4921-6770

Sally is a global nurse educator and researcher. Her career influences the tripartite mission of research, education and practice. Her research focuses on community mental health care and family interventions. Supported by more than 70 funded studies, more than 300 publications in international healthcare journals and international presentations, Sally have developed and sustained international inter-institutional partnerships. Sally has served on the editorial and advisory board of many renowned journals. She has been appointed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to the Primary Care Consultation group for Revision of ICD-10 Mental and Behavioral Disorder. Her leadership is evident in her

Sally is a global nurse educator and researcher. Her career influences the tripartite mission of research, education and practice. Her research focuses on community mental health care and family interventions. Supported by more than 70 funded studies, more than 300 publications in international healthcare journals and international presentations, Sally have developed and sustained international inter-institutional partnerships. Sally has served on the editorial and advisory board of many renowned journals. She has been appointed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to the Primary Care Consultation group for Revision of ICD-10 Mental and Behavioral Disorder. Her leadership is evident in her appointment to the Expert Group on Mental Health Services by the Hong Kong Government and National Nursing Task Force by the Singapore Government. In 2013, Sally was awarded the 'International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame' by the Sigma Theta Tau International Honors Society of Nursing, and Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. Her extensive list of accolades also includes Chinese University of Hong Kong 'Teacher of the Year' awards in 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, and the 'Master Teacher' in 2007 by the institute's Faculty of Medicine.

Michiyo OKA


Department of Nursing

Graduate School of Health Science

Gunma University


Michiyo OKA, RN, PhD, is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Nursing, Graduate School of Health Science, Gunma University. She completed her MSc in Health Education and PhD in Nursing and Rehabilitation Medicine from University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan. Prof. Michiyo OKA started her career as a Registered Nurse from The Toranomon Hospital Hemodialysis Section in 1985 and then Adjunct Lecturer in School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University, Australia, till 2001. In between 1999-2006, she worked as an Associate Professor in clinical division of Yamagata University and Kitasato University. She was certifed as Registed Nurse in

Michiyo OKA, RN, PhD, is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Nursing, Graduate School of Health Science, Gunma University. She completed her MSc in Health Education and PhD in Nursing and Rehabilitation Medicine from University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan. Prof. Michiyo OKA started her career as a Registered Nurse from The Toranomon Hospital Hemodialysis Section in 1985 and then Adjunct Lecturer in School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University, Australia, till 2001. In between 1999-2006, she worked as an Associate Professor in clinical division of Yamagata University and Kitasato University. She was certifed as Registed Nurse in 1985. Her research has been focusing on Chronic illness nursing, Patient education, Theory and technique for behavioral modification, Dialysis nursing, Nursing intervention, Ethnography and Complementary alternative medicine.

Peter C. Coyte


Institute of Health Policy

Management and Evaluation

Faculty of Medicine

University of Toronto

Ontario, Canada

Tel: 416-978-8369

Peter is a Full Professor and an international expert and consultant in health economics, health services evaluation, and health policy and planning. He was elected President, Canadian Health Economic Research Association, in 2002 and was instrumental in championing the evolution of that organization to form the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). He was elected CAHSPR's inaugural President in 2003. Peter was awarded a CHSRF/CIHR Health Services Chair in 2000 and has been the Director of CIHR's Health Care, Technology, and Place Program since 2002. These awards emphasize research and training and have attracted significant financial

Peter is a Full Professor and an international expert and consultant in health economics, health services evaluation, and health policy and planning. He was elected President, Canadian Health Economic Research Association, in 2002 and was instrumental in championing the evolution of that organization to form the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). He was elected CAHSPR's inaugural President in 2003. Peter was awarded a CHSRF/CIHR Health Services Chair in 2000 and has been the Director of CIHR's Health Care, Technology, and Place Program since 2002. These awards emphasize research and training and have attracted significant financial commitments. His research is currently focused on palliative care evaluation, caregiving and labour market outcomes, health technology assessment, and the economic costs of smoking. For his contributions to health services and policy research, Peter was awarded the Health Services Research Advancement Award in 2010.

Violeta Lopez

Professor and Director

Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies

Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

National University of Singapore


Violeta Lopez, PhD, RN, FACN is a Professor and Director of Research in the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University of Singapore. She is also an Adjunct Professor in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Australian National University and Adjunct Professor in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Canberra, Australia, Capital Territory and a Visiting Professor in the Department of Nursing, Hubei University of Medicine, Hubei Province, China. Her research has been focusing on evidence-based practice and knowledge translation, development, translation, and psychometric evaluations of research instruments as well

Violeta Lopez, PhD, RN, FACN is a Professor and Director of Research in the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University of Singapore. She is also an Adjunct Professor in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Australian National University and Adjunct Professor in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Canberra, Australia, Capital Territory and a Visiting Professor in the Department of Nursing, Hubei University of Medicine, Hubei Province, China. Her research has been focusing on evidence-based practice and knowledge translation, development, translation, and psychometric evaluations of research instruments as well as implementing evidence-based intervention in patients with chronic illnesses and those needing long-term care.

Roza Adany

Head of the Department of Preventive Medicine

Faculty of Public Health

University of Debrecen


Tel: 36-52-417-267

Professor Roza Adany, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, founding Dean of the Faculty of Public Health of the University of Debrecen, Head of the Department of Preventive Medicine, leader of the Public Health Research Group funded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), president of the Scientific Committee on Preventive Medicine of HAS, chairperson of the Council of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, president of the National Association of Public Health Training and Research Institutes, member of the National Committee on Public Health Genomics; chief editor of the journal Public Health, editorial member of the European Journal

Professor Roza Adany, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, founding Dean of the Faculty of Public Health of the University of Debrecen, Head of the Department of Preventive Medicine, leader of the Public Health Research Group funded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), president of the Scientific Committee on Preventive Medicine of HAS, chairperson of the Council of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, president of the National Association of Public Health Training and Research Institutes, member of the National Committee on Public Health Genomics; chief editor of the journal Public Health, editorial member of the European Journal of Public Health and Public Health Genomics, Head of the WHO Collaborating Centre on Vulnerability and Health, Member of European Public Health Association Governing Council, Vice-President of European Public Health Association Public Health Genomics Section. She was chairperson of the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) between 2001-2003. Her scientific research in the past decades achieved international significance regarding the identification of susceptibility biomarkers of neoplastic and cardiovascular diseases; investigation of the structure and causes of premature mortality of the Hungarian population; and evaluation of interventions aiming at the improved efficiency of prevention.

Ihn Sook Jeong


Public Health

College of Nursing, Pusan National University (PNU), Republic of Korea

Tel: +82-51-510-8342

Ihn Sook Jeong, PhD, MSN, RN is a faculty member at College of Nursing, Pusan National University (PNU), Republic of Korea. She has been teaching at PNU since 2001 in the areas of community health nursing. She earned her BA in Nursing, MPH and Ph.D in public health from Seoul National University. She has clinical experience as a registered nurse, and clinical research coordinator in a university hospital. Her research has been focusing on community & public health nursing, health promotion, healthcare-associated acquired infection control, and research ethics.

Ihn Sook Jeong, PhD, MSN, RN is a faculty member at College of Nursing, Pusan National University (PNU), Republic of Korea. She has been teaching at PNU since 2001 in the areas of community health nursing. She earned her BA in Nursing, MPH and Ph.D in public health from Seoul National University. She has clinical experience as a registered nurse, and clinical research coordinator in a university hospital. Her research has been focusing on community & public health nursing, health promotion, healthcare-associated acquired infection control, and research ethics.

Chung-Yi Chen

Dean and Professor

School of Medical and Health Sciences

Fooyin University


President Chen obtained PhD in 1999 at Kaohsiung Medical University. Currently teaches in Fooyin University, as most young is also the most senior professors and deans. The past 20 years, he has his scientific interests focused on life-threatening diseases, including traditional Chinese medicine used for cancer research. Analysis in recent year's major active ingredients such as ginger, pepper and cinnamon used in gastrointestinal cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiparasitic, and other topics. President Chen specializes in isolation, purification and structural analysis of active components of plants. President Chen directed against active constituents of oral cancer, liver cancer, and rectal cancer. President Chen

President Chen obtained PhD in 1999 at Kaohsiung Medical University. Currently teaches in Fooyin University, as most young is also the most senior professors and deans. The past 20 years, he has his scientific interests focused on life-threatening diseases, including traditional Chinese medicine used for cancer research. Analysis in recent year's major active ingredients such as ginger, pepper and cinnamon used in gastrointestinal cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiparasitic, and other topics. President Chen specializes in isolation, purification and structural analysis of active components of plants. President Chen directed against active constituents of oral cancer, liver cancer, and rectal cancer. President Chen was just over 45 years old, but his work has more than 220 papers, Taiwan one of the young talents. Professor Chen was invited more than 170 kinds of Journal editorial boards. Professor Chen won numerous awards at home and abroad, from 2015, was awarded the lifetime achievement award; from 2016 was awarded the health care & biotechnology merit award.

Lisa Pau Le Low


School of Health Sciences

Caritas Institute of Higher Education

Hong Kong

Lisa PL Low works as a Professor at the School of Health Sciences at the Caritas Institute of Higher Education in Hong Kong. Over the years, her research grants and interests are in gerontology and long-term care, with emphasis on gerontological care and practices, decision-making in residential care homes, discharge planning for older patients and family members, leadership and management in long-term care settings, and family decision-making of older people with mild-moderate dementia and for clients with intellectual disability using predominately qualitative research approaches. She has been engaged in teaching qualitative research to both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the

Lisa PL Low works as a Professor at the School of Health Sciences at the Caritas Institute of Higher Education in Hong Kong. Over the years, her research grants and interests are in gerontology and long-term care, with emphasis on gerontological care and practices, decision-making in residential care homes, discharge planning for older patients and family members, leadership and management in long-term care settings, and family decision-making of older people with mild-moderate dementia and for clients with intellectual disability using predominately qualitative research approaches. She has been engaged in teaching qualitative research to both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the nursing and in gerontology programmes. She has also supervised research students in the taught Master's programme who have used descriptive qualitative approaches to undertake smaller scale studies. Such work has been published in the international journals including Journal of Clinical Nursing and other specialty-related journals. She has been invited to contribute to peer review of scholarly manuscripts for journals that gives attention to the disciplines of nursing, gerontology and qualitative research. She is the Co-editor of the International Journal of Qualitative Studies for Health and Wellbeing. As part of her research and professional development her intentions are to continue to develop gerontological research to serve older clients, family members and care providers both at home and in institutionalized settings.

Khatijah Binti Abdullah


Department of Nursing Science

Faculty of Medicine

University of Malaya


Dr. Khatijah is currently a Nursing Professor at Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia. Khatijah has been a central committee member in the development of nursing program at University of Malaya. She has facilitated the first Nursing Master and doctoral studies in Malaysia. She holds the post as head of department from 2008 till 2011 and from 2013 till 2018. Currently she is the coordinator for postgraduate studies by research. She teaches in both the undergraduate (nursing and pharmacy program) and postgraduate program (nursing, public health and post graduate research program) offered by the Faculty

Dr. Khatijah is currently a Nursing Professor at Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia. Khatijah has been a central committee member in the development of nursing program at University of Malaya. She has facilitated the first Nursing Master and doctoral studies in Malaysia. She holds the post as head of department from 2008 till 2011 and from 2013 till 2018. Currently she is the coordinator for postgraduate studies by research. She teaches in both the undergraduate (nursing and pharmacy program) and postgraduate program (nursing, public health and post graduate research program) offered by the Faculty of Medicine. She has also coordinated both the nursing undergraduate and postgraduate program (Masters by coursework). Dr. Khatijah’s research interests focus on four major areas: Women and Child Health, Chronic Disease Management for patients and caregivers, Professional development of the Healthcare Workforce; and Nursing Education. Dr. Khatijah has published in international refereed journals and book chapters and she is currently the Chief Editor for the Malaysia Journal of Qualitative Research. She is frequently invited to review articles in numerous international peer reviewed journals and to facilitate/conduct research and publication workshops both nationally and internationally. Khatijah has also been invited as keynote/plenary speaker in both local and international conferences.

Manuela Martinez Lorca


Faculty of Health Sciences

University of Castilla-La Mancha


Dr. Manuela Martinez Lorca is a Professor in the Department of Psychology of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). She has received the honorable mention of the XVII edition of the Reina Sofía Awards against Drugs, in the modality of 'Prevention in the Ambito Educativo y Comunitario', awarded each year by the Foundation for Drug Addiction Assistance of the Spanish Red Cross. Her experience includes: Doctor in Psychology from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Health Psychologist, Teacher in the Department of Psychology of the UCLM, Master in Limited Time Psychotherapy and Health Psychology from the European Institute of Limited Time

Dr. Manuela Martinez Lorca is a Professor in the Department of Psychology of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). She has received the honorable mention of the XVII edition of the Reina Sofía Awards against Drugs, in the modality of 'Prevention in the Ambito Educativo y Comunitario', awarded each year by the Foundation for Drug Addiction Assistance of the Spanish Red Cross. Her experience includes: Doctor in Psychology from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Health Psychologist, Teacher in the Department of Psychology of the UCLM, Master in Limited Time Psychotherapy and Health Psychology from the European Institute of Limited Time Psychotherapies and Specialist in Clinical Hypnosis and Relaxation.

Bridget H. Wilson

Nurse Manager

Department of Juvenile Justice

Simmons College

Colorado Technical University

Colorado Springs, USA

Bridget H. Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN is an adjunct faculty member at Colorado Technical University and the Associate Director of Student Health Services at Virginia State University. Dr. Wilson has clinical experience as a pediatric medical surgical registered nurse, college health nurse, and sickle cell disease. Her research has been focusing on alcohol usage among African American college students and sickle cell disease pain in adolescences. Dr. Wilson has been examining the relationships among sickle cell disease pain management and healthcare providers. Her area of expertise has been on college health, nursing administration, nursing education, medical surgical,and specifically sickle cell

Bridget H. Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN is an adjunct faculty member at Colorado Technical University and the Associate Director of Student Health Services at Virginia State University. Dr. Wilson has clinical experience as a pediatric medical surgical registered nurse, college health nurse, and sickle cell disease. Her research has been focusing on alcohol usage among African American college students and sickle cell disease pain in adolescences. Dr. Wilson has been examining the relationships among sickle cell disease pain management and healthcare providers. Her area of expertise has been on college health, nursing administration, nursing education, medical surgical,and specifically sickle cell disease pain among management.

Mary R. Gipson

Associate Professor

Jacksonville University

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Dr. Mary Gipson is an Associate Professor in the Jacksonville University School of Nursing. She has been teaching at JU since 2001 in the areas of adult health, critical care, and pharmacology. Dr. Gipson obtained her BA in Psychology at Arizona State University, a BSN and MSN, Family Nurse Practitioner, at the University of North Florida, and a PhD in Nursing from Barry University. Her research interests include teaching and learning methodologies, critical care, and advancing the use of evidence-based practice and research among acute care staff nurses.

Dr. Mary Gipson is an Associate Professor in the Jacksonville University School of Nursing. She has been teaching at JU since 2001 in the areas of adult health, critical care, and pharmacology. Dr. Gipson obtained her BA in Psychology at Arizona State University, a BSN and MSN, Family Nurse Practitioner, at the University of North Florida, and a PhD in Nursing from Barry University. Her research interests include teaching and learning methodologies, critical care, and advancing the use of evidence-based practice and research among acute care staff nurses.

Yeliz Akkus

Associate Professor

Department of Nursing

Kafkas University

Ankara, Turkey

Yeliz Akkus, PhD, is an associate professor at Kafkas University, Health High School in the Department of Nursing in Kars, Turkey. She obtained her doctorate degree in medical nursing from Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing in Ankara, Turkey. Her research interests include improving cognitive function of the elderly and caregivers' issues related to care of the elderly and patients with multiple sclerosis. Her doctoral thesis was entitled 'Improving the Quality of Life for Multiple Sclerosis Patients Using the Nurse-Based Home Visiting Model'. She was worked also School of Nursing University of Wisconsin Madison as a visiting associate professor with Dr.

Yeliz Akkus, PhD, is an associate professor at Kafkas University, Health High School in the Department of Nursing in Kars, Turkey. She obtained her doctorate degree in medical nursing from Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing in Ankara, Turkey. Her research interests include improving cognitive function of the elderly and caregivers' issues related to care of the elderly and patients with multiple sclerosis. Her doctoral thesis was entitled 'Improving the Quality of Life for Multiple Sclerosis Patients Using the Nurse-Based Home Visiting Model'. She was worked also School of Nursing University of Wisconsin Madison as a visiting associate professor with Dr. Barbara Bowers.

Kristina Rosengren

Associate Professor

Sahlgrenska Academy

University of Gothenburg


Kristina Rosengren is an Associate Professor, working in the Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. She received doctoral degree from the Karlstad University in the year 2009. Kristina Rosengren started her career as a nurse and then continued as a Lecturer, Director, Manager and presently working as a Senior Consultant in the Medical Department of Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Her research areas includes person-centered care, care management, inter-professional education in health science, etc. She was also participated in many conferences and published articles in the field of Health and Medical services.

Kristina Rosengren is an Associate Professor, working in the Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. She received doctoral degree from the Karlstad University in the year 2009. Kristina Rosengren started her career as a nurse and then continued as a Lecturer, Director, Manager and presently working as a Senior Consultant in the Medical Department of Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Her research areas includes person-centered care, care management, inter-professional education in health science, etc. She was also participated in many conferences and published articles in the field of Health and Medical services.

Haritini Tsangari

Associate Professor

University of Nicosia

Nicosia, Cyprus

Dr. Haritini Tsangari is an Associate Professor at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus. She is also the Associate Head of the Department of Finance and Economics. She obtained her PhD in Statistics from the Pennsylvania State University. She has published numerous articles and has presented her work in international conferences. She is the principal investigator in many research projects, mostly funded by the Research Promotion Foundation or European funds. She is also a reviewer for several peer reviewed journals. Her research interests include theoretical Statistics and applications of Statistics in many areas. She has done extensive research in Nursing

Dr. Haritini Tsangari is an Associate Professor at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus. She is also the Associate Head of the Department of Finance and Economics. She obtained her PhD in Statistics from the Pennsylvania State University. She has published numerous articles and has presented her work in international conferences. She is the principal investigator in many research projects, mostly funded by the Research Promotion Foundation or European funds. She is also a reviewer for several peer reviewed journals. Her research interests include theoretical Statistics and applications of Statistics in many areas. She has done extensive research in Nursing and has publications in top Nursing journals, especially involving the assessment and psychometric properties of instruments or the use of advanced statistical methods in topics such as patients' satisfaction of nursing care, rationing of nursing care, comparison of patients' and nurses' perceptions on individualized care, health beliefs and practice of breast self-examination, caregiving burden, depression and coping strategies, the concept of caring through behaviors and student nurses' experience of learning in the clinical environment.

Wen-Yi Chen

Associate Professor

Department of Senior Citizen Service Management

National Taichung University of Science & Technology


Wen-Yi Chen is an associate professor at the Department of Senior Citizen Service Management, National Taichung University of Science & Technology, Taiwan. He received his Bachelor's degree from the Department of Statistics of National Cheng Kung University, Master's and Doctor's degrees in Economics and Applied Economics from Oregon State University. Wen-Yi's research is currently focused on health care financing and economics, health services evaluation, and health policy and planning. He was the director of Center of Health Research and Development, National Taichung University of Science & Technology, Taichung, Taiwan.

Wen-Yi Chen is an associate professor at the Department of Senior Citizen Service Management, National Taichung University of Science & Technology, Taiwan. He received his Bachelor's degree from the Department of Statistics of National Cheng Kung University, Master's and Doctor's degrees in Economics and Applied Economics from Oregon State University. Wen-Yi's research is currently focused on health care financing and economics, health services evaluation, and health policy and planning. He was the director of Center of Health Research and Development, National Taichung University of Science & Technology, Taichung, Taiwan.

Dileep Kumar

Specialist Registrar

Department of Family Medicine

Dubai Health Authority

United Arab Emirates

Dr. Dileep Kumar is a Senior Medical practitioner and Specialist Family Physician with 14 years of experience in Healthcare. He did post graduate training in Family Medicine and received Best Resident in Family Medicine from PGME Convocation, Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan in 2011. He also received Online Mini-fellowship "Successful Aging and End of Life Care" certificate from Stanford University, USA.

Dr. Dileep Kumar successfully published various articles and proficient in managing, recording & complying to occupational health management practices & monitoring for corporate employees. He was also involved in executing various administrative activities with respect to Occupational Health Monitoring,

Dr. Dileep Kumar is a Senior Medical practitioner and Specialist Family Physician with 14 years of experience in Healthcare. He did post graduate training in Family Medicine and received Best Resident in Family Medicine from PGME Convocation, Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan in 2011. He also received Online Mini-fellowship "Successful Aging and End of Life Care" certificate from Stanford University, USA.

Dr. Dileep Kumar successfully published various articles and proficient in managing, recording & complying to occupational health management practices & monitoring for corporate employees. He was also involved in executing various administrative activities with respect to Occupational Health Monitoring, Home Based Palliative Care, End of Life Care (EOLC), Geriatric Group Committee & Family Medicine.

Branka Aukst Margetic

Department of Psychiatry

University Hospital Center Zagreb


Branka Aukst Margetic, MD, PhD currently works in Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia, as a senior clinician, engaged in Croatian National Center for Psychotrauma. She is a widely known expert in psychiatry, especially in psychosomatic and stress medicine. She is engaged in education and mentorship of nurses, medical students and younger colleagues and works on many locally and internationally funded projects. She is the author of over 80 scientific papers, widely cited in eminent scientific journals, book chapters and many conference proceedings and other kind of publications. She has been reviewer for many highest rank international journals

Branka Aukst Margetic, MD, PhD currently works in Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia, as a senior clinician, engaged in Croatian National Center for Psychotrauma. She is a widely known expert in psychiatry, especially in psychosomatic and stress medicine. She is engaged in education and mentorship of nurses, medical students and younger colleagues and works on many locally and internationally funded projects. She is the author of over 80 scientific papers, widely cited in eminent scientific journals, book chapters and many conference proceedings and other kind of publications. She has been reviewer for many highest rank international journals and books. Her main research interests are psychotrauma, psychosomatic medicine, role of personality as a resilience/ risk factor for psychopathology, stigmatization in mental and physical health and research of effective psychosocial programs. She is also interested in the research of spirituality in mental health.

James Siberski

Assistant Professor

Department of Gerontology

Misericordia University

Pennsylvania, USA

James Siberski received his BA in Psychology from Wilkes University and his MS in Human Service Administration from Misericordia University where he is an Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Gerontological Education. He is an affiliate member of the American Geriatric Psychiatry Association, is certified in Remotivation Therapy, Gerontology and by the National Academy of Certified Care Managers. He is an Editorial Advisory Board member of "Todays Geriatric Medicine", a member of the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers, and a prior member of the Board of Directors of the Greater PA Alzheimer's Association. He is an author in many

James Siberski received his BA in Psychology from Wilkes University and his MS in Human Service Administration from Misericordia University where he is an Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Gerontological Education. He is an affiliate member of the American Geriatric Psychiatry Association, is certified in Remotivation Therapy, Gerontology and by the National Academy of Certified Care Managers. He is an Editorial Advisory Board member of "Todays Geriatric Medicine", a member of the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers, and a prior member of the Board of Directors of the Greater PA Alzheimer's Association. He is an author in many journals, including the Journal of Psychological Nursing and Mental Health Services, Social Work Today, Aging Well, Today's Geriatric Medicine, and the American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias. He has multiple lectures and consults in geriatric/psychiatric/intellectual disability populations.

Carmen Giurgescu

Assistant Professor

College of Nursing

Wayne State University

Detroit, MI, USA

Carmen Giurgescu, PhD, RN, WHNP is an Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing at Wayne State University. Dr Giurgescu has clinical experience as a Woman's Health Care Nurse Practitioner and Labor and Delivery Registered Nurse. Her research has been focusing on health disparities in preterm birth for African American women. Dr Giurgescu has been examining the relationships among neighborhood conditions, psychological stress, systemic inflammation, and preterm birth in African American women. She has received funding from NIH and professional organizations to conduct her research. My area of expertise has been on high-risk pregnancy, specifically complications such as preterm labor,

Carmen Giurgescu, PhD, RN, WHNP is an Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing at Wayne State University. Dr Giurgescu has clinical experience as a Woman's Health Care Nurse Practitioner and Labor and Delivery Registered Nurse. Her research has been focusing on health disparities in preterm birth for African American women. Dr Giurgescu has been examining the relationships among neighborhood conditions, psychological stress, systemic inflammation, and preterm birth in African American women. She has received funding from NIH and professional organizations to conduct her research. My area of expertise has been on high-risk pregnancy, specifically complications such as preterm labor, preeclampsia and preterm birth.

Kathy Kay Prue-Owens

Assistant Professor, UCHealth Term Chair

Department of Nursing

University of Colorado Colorado Springs


Dr. Kathy Prue-Owens has served as an Army Nurse Corps Officer in the United States Army for over 30 years. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Her interest in cardiovascular health and health of women veterans extends from Cardiothoracic units, Critical Care Units, Combat Burn Unit, Cardiology Clinics, Nurse Scientist and as a Chief Nursing Officer (CNO). As a PI or Associate PI, she had the opportunity to be one of the first researchers in the military medical command to conduct telehealth nursing research. She laid the foundation for telehealth by obtaining

Dr. Kathy Prue-Owens has served as an Army Nurse Corps Officer in the United States Army for over 30 years. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Her interest in cardiovascular health and health of women veterans extends from Cardiothoracic units, Critical Care Units, Combat Burn Unit, Cardiology Clinics, Nurse Scientist and as a Chief Nursing Officer (CNO). As a PI or Associate PI, she had the opportunity to be one of the first researchers in the military medical command to conduct telehealth nursing research. She laid the foundation for telehealth by obtaining funding from the TriService Nursing Research Program for testing the effectiveness of Telenursing in the management of heart failure patients. Her dissertation work involved CV risk factors and risk perception in active duty service members. Her education background includes University of Nebraska-Kearney; University of Washington-Seattle and University of Arizona-Tucson.

Jennifer L Barkin

Assistant Professor

School of Medicine

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Mercer University, USA

Tel: 412-726-3757

Jennifer L. Barkin, PhD, MS is an Assistant Professor of Community Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology in the School of Medicine at Mercer University in Macon, GA. She obtained her Master's degree in Biostatistics and a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Pittsburgh. She also did a post-doc in Psychiatric Epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh focused specifically on women's mental health and functioning during the childbearing years. She developed the Barkin Index of Maternal Functioning (BIMF), a 20-item self-report instrument aimed at postpartum functional assessment. The BIMF has been used in NIH trials and in community-based and hospital

Jennifer L. Barkin, PhD, MS is an Assistant Professor of Community Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology in the School of Medicine at Mercer University in Macon, GA. She obtained her Master's degree in Biostatistics and a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Pittsburgh. She also did a post-doc in Psychiatric Epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh focused specifically on women's mental health and functioning during the childbearing years. She developed the Barkin Index of Maternal Functioning (BIMF), a 20-item self-report instrument aimed at postpartum functional assessment. The BIMF has been used in NIH trials and in community-based and hospital settings. Barkin currently has funding from the MedCen Foundation (Principal Investigator) and is a Co-Investigator on a March of Dimes grant that will benefit pregnant women in medically underserved, central Georgia. She teaches research methods as part of the Medical School's problem-based learning curriculum and mentors medical students, residents, and attending physicians. She was given a secondary appointment in Ob/Gyn in July of 2014 as recognition for her collaborative efforts. She serves as a peer-reviewer for several esteemed journals and she publishes herself. Her interests are women's mental health, postpartum health, maternal self-care, instrument validation, and the relationship between maternal functioning and child outcomes. Barkin is both a quantitative and qualitative researcher.

Yuan Zhang

Assistant Professor

School of Nursing

College of Health Sciences

University of Massachusetts Lowell

Lowell, MA, USA

Yuan Zhang, PhD, RN, is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. She did a post-doc in occupational health and health promotion at the Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace (CPHNEW), a center for excellence funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). She has extensive research experience on worker safety and health, workplace organizational environment, and workplace participatory interventions in the long-term care facilities. Her research has been focusing on promoting sleep quality and health outcomes of health care workers. She has published numerous

Yuan Zhang, PhD, RN, is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. She did a post-doc in occupational health and health promotion at the Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace (CPHNEW), a center for excellence funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). She has extensive research experience on worker safety and health, workplace organizational environment, and workplace participatory interventions in the long-term care facilities. Her research has been focusing on promoting sleep quality and health outcomes of health care workers. She has published numerous articles and presented her work in the field of nursing and health care, related to healthcare workers' work-family conflict, sleep quality, mental health, and turnover, as well as workplace participatory interventions linking occupational health and health promotion. Research interest: Shift work sleep disorders; workplace safety and health; sleep and health promotion; intention to turnover and turnover in healthcare; workplace participatory interventions.

Amanda J. Flagg

Assistant Professor

School of Nursing

Middle Tennessee State University


Tel: 615-494-8728

Amanda J. Flagg, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CNE is an Assistant Professor in Middle Tennessee State University School of Nursing. Dr. Flagg received her Bachelor's degree at the Nursing School of York College of Pennsylvania, earned a dual Master's Degree from Boston University in Education and Counseling and her Master's in nursing degree followed by her doctoral degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio School of Nursing. She is a clinical nursing scientist teaching research among other courses to undergraduate and graduate nursing students. Amanda's research interests include theory building using the concept of concordance in patient-centered

Amanda J. Flagg, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CNE is an Assistant Professor in Middle Tennessee State University School of Nursing. Dr. Flagg received her Bachelor's degree at the Nursing School of York College of Pennsylvania, earned a dual Master's Degree from Boston University in Education and Counseling and her Master's in nursing degree followed by her doctoral degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio School of Nursing. She is a clinical nursing scientist teaching research among other courses to undergraduate and graduate nursing students. Amanda's research interests include theory building using the concept of concordance in patient-centered care; Women's health focus regarding outcomes of women recovering from major cardiac events; Educational interventions noting impact of concept-based curriculum and improvement of NCLEX test scores, and instrument development. She has traveled with students oversees to enhance their nursing experience attending to populations living in underdeveloped countries.

Herschel Knapp

SCAN-ECHO Project Manager

V.A. West Los Angeles Healthcare Center

Division, General Internal Medicine

Los Angeles, USA

Tel: 310-478-3711

Herschel Knapp, Ph.D., M.S.S.W., is a psychotherapist and health science researcher in Los Angeles, California. His experience includes helpline work, acute care in hospitals (ER, ICU, CCU, oncology), and longer-term psychotherapy in both in-and out-patient settings with a diverse client population. He has served as a behavioral science representative advocating for quality of life on the Patient Care Committee, Palliative Care Committee, Ethics Committee, and Cancer Committee. Dr. Knapp has served at the Los Angeles VA as a National Project Director for QUERI-HIV, carrying out a program designed to enhance access to HIV testing for Veterans. Much of this work

Herschel Knapp, Ph.D., M.S.S.W., is a psychotherapist and health science researcher in Los Angeles, California. His experience includes helpline work, acute care in hospitals (ER, ICU, CCU, oncology), and longer-term psychotherapy in both in-and out-patient settings with a diverse client population. He has served as a behavioral science representative advocating for quality of life on the Patient Care Committee, Palliative Care Committee, Ethics Committee, and Cancer Committee. Dr. Knapp has served at the Los Angeles VA as a National Project Director for QUERI-HIV, carrying out a program designed to enhance access to HIV testing for Veterans. Much of this work has involved designing, launching, and evaluating nurse-initiated HIV Rapid Testing. He is currently the project manager for the Los Angeles SCAN-ECHO Telehealth project. His contributions to the field have earned him membership in Phi Kappa Phi Academic Honor Society; Phi Alpha National Honor Society for Social Work, and Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Dr. Knapp is a certified mentor, and has taught graduate level courses in research and statistics at UCLA and CSULA; he is currently teaching at USC. Dr. Knapp has published multiple papers detailing his innovative implementations in healthcare, and has published three textbooks: Therapeutic Communication, Introduction to Social Work Practice, and Introductory Statistics Using SPSS; he is currently developing his next textbook: Practical Statistics for Nursing using SPSS.

Mohammad Ibrahim Al Qadire

Doctor of Oncology and Palliative care Nursing

Department of Adult Healthcare Nursing

Faculty of Nursing

Al Al-Bayt University

Mafraq, Jordan

Tel: 962777386001

Dr Mohammad Al Qadire, RN, PhD is a doctor of oncology and palliative care nursing at Prince Salma School of Nursing/Al Al-Bayt University in Jordan. He earned his PhD in Nursing from the University of Manchester-UK. The main focus of his PhD research was on implementing research findings to improve cancer pain management in Jordan. He has Masters of Science in Oncology Nursing from the University Science and technology in Jordan. He has more than 10 years of clinical, teaching, and research experience and worked as oncology nurse, Head Nurse, Research Assistant and currently as Assistant professor. His research

Dr Mohammad Al Qadire, RN, PhD is a doctor of oncology and palliative care nursing at Prince Salma School of Nursing/Al Al-Bayt University in Jordan. He earned his PhD in Nursing from the University of Manchester-UK. The main focus of his PhD research was on implementing research findings to improve cancer pain management in Jordan. He has Masters of Science in Oncology Nursing from the University Science and technology in Jordan. He has more than 10 years of clinical, teaching, and research experience and worked as oncology nurse, Head Nurse, Research Assistant and currently as Assistant professor. His research interests in palliative care researches and cancer symptoms management. Cancer pain management is my major interest. In addition, translating knowledge into practice, empirical ethics, and promoting evidence-based practice are of his interest.


Assistant Professor

Faculty of Medicine

Stroke Center and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

University of Usak


Tel: + 90 538 692 1934

Ali Yavuz KARAHAN is an Assistant Professor in the department of the physical medicine and rehabilitation of the Medical Faculty of University Usak. Also, the director of the Stroke Center at the University of Usak. He had finished his residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Selcuk Konya, and received Ph.D. degree in Anatomy at the University of Necmettin Erbakan in Konya. His area of expertise has been in stroke rehabilitation, and stroke caregivers support. Also worked in stroke team of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of the University of Utah as a visiting specialist.

Ali Yavuz KARAHAN is an Assistant Professor in the department of the physical medicine and rehabilitation of the Medical Faculty of University Usak. Also, the director of the Stroke Center at the University of Usak. He had finished his residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Selcuk Konya, and received Ph.D. degree in Anatomy at the University of Necmettin Erbakan in Konya. His area of expertise has been in stroke rehabilitation, and stroke caregivers support. Also worked in stroke team of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of the University of Utah as a visiting specialist.

Louise Horstmanshof

School of Health and Human Sciences

Southern Cross University

Lismore, Australia

Tel: 612-6620-3759

Dr. Louise Horstmanshof is a registered psychologist and higher education teaching and learning specialist. She has extensive experience delivering teaching and training materials tailored to a range of learning needs. She is currently employed as a curriculum development specialist at Southern Cross University working in the area of Simulated Learning focused on preparing students in Nursing and Allied Health for the health workforce. She is also active in training clinical supervisors. Her research interests and publications cover a range of topics that include the management of loneliness in Aged Care Residents, Deaf people communicating via SMS, well being among final

Dr. Louise Horstmanshof is a registered psychologist and higher education teaching and learning specialist. She has extensive experience delivering teaching and training materials tailored to a range of learning needs. She is currently employed as a curriculum development specialist at Southern Cross University working in the area of Simulated Learning focused on preparing students in Nursing and Allied Health for the health workforce. She is also active in training clinical supervisors. Her research interests and publications cover a range of topics that include the management of loneliness in Aged Care Residents, Deaf people communicating via SMS, well being among final year school students, homesickness, the transfer of training for workplace health and safety officers, adjustment and transition among sojourners, and for older adults into residential care. She has presented peer reviewed conference papers both nationally and internationally. She is also a regular reviewer for several international peer reviewed journals.

Gaeta Francesca

Department of Medicine and Surgery

Salerno University- Baronissi (SA)


Tel: +393477334977

Francesca Gaeta is a music therapist and a musician who is being perfected as junior researcher in Department of Medicine and Surgery- Salerno University, graduating in Medicine, specializing in Neuroimaging, studying the relationship between music and brain using fMRI. Francesca, though very young, has gained clinical experience in music therapy with autistic children. She won national awards for research projects that relate the music to medicine in Autism (2014) and in Alzheimer Disease (2013). She was a speaker at several conferences as invited main speaker to discuss about the neuroscience of music, about the role of innovation in research and

Francesca Gaeta is a music therapist and a musician who is being perfected as junior researcher in Department of Medicine and Surgery- Salerno University, graduating in Medicine, specializing in Neuroimaging, studying the relationship between music and brain using fMRI. Francesca, though very young, has gained clinical experience in music therapy with autistic children. She won national awards for research projects that relate the music to medicine in Autism (2014) and in Alzheimer Disease (2013). She was a speaker at several conferences as invited main speaker to discuss about the neuroscience of music, about the role of innovation in research and about the role of women in science. Wanting to join the medical education and artistic training, she is concluding the advanced course in piano performance, as a principal musician. She is President and Founder of an Association for autistic children.


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ClinMed Journals Index Copernicus Values

Clinical Medical Image Library: 93.51

International Journal of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine: 92.83

International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine: 91.84

International Journal of Womens Health and Wellness: 91.79

Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Treatment: 91.73

Journal of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology: 91.55

Journal of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology: 91.55

Clinical Medical Reviews and Case Reports: 91.40

International Archives of Nursing and Health Care: 90.87

International Journal of Ophthalmology and Clinical Research: 90.80

International Archives of Urology and Complications: 90.73

Journal of Clinical Nephrology and Renal Care: 90.33

Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Prevention: 89.99

Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and Treatment: 89.54

Journal of Dermatology Research and Therapy: 89.34

International Journal of Clinical Cardiology: 89.24

International Journal of Radiology and Imaging Technology: 88.88

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Cases - Reviews: 88.42

International Journal of Blood Research and Disorders: 88.22

International Journal of Diabetes and Clinical Research: 87.97

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International Journal of Clinical Cardiology

ISSN: 2378-2951 | ICV: 89.24



Obstetrics and Gynaecology Cases - Reviews

ISSN: 2377-9004 | ICV: 88.42



Journal of Hypertension and Management

ISSN: 2474-3690 | ICV: 87.69



International Journal of Diabetes and Clinical Research

ISSN: 2377-3634 | ICV: 87.97



Journal of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology

ISSN: 2474-3658 | ICV: 91.55