Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-4630/1410119
Herpes Zoster in an Immunocompetent Adult in the Tropic with Vitamin D Deficiency: A Case Report
Evaristus Chinonye Ezema, Obioma Onah Ezema and Emmanuel Joachim Nebuwa
Article Type: Case Report | First Published: December 31, 2020
Human herpes virus infection induces lifelong latent infection that most likely reactivates when the immune system deteriorates. It usually presents with localized, painful vesicular rash in one or contiguous dermatomal distributions. Although, more serious manifestations like aseptic meningitis, acute retinal necrosis, herpes zoster ophthalmicus and Ramsay Hunt syndrome especially in the immunocompromised. We report a case of 2-dermatomal cutaneous herpes zoster in an adult in the tropic with v...
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-4630/1410118
The Effect of Single-Dose Preemptive Intravenous Ibuprofen on the Intraoperative Hemodynamic Parameters, Recovery Characteristics, and Acute Pain after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
Ozlem Sezen, MD, Banu Cevik, MD and Kemal Tolga Saracoglu, MD
Article Type: Original Article | First Published: December 31, 2020
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the preemptive administration of a single dose of intravenous (IV) ibuprofen on the intraoperative hemodynamic parameters, recovery characteristics, and postoperative pain management in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The time to first analgesic requirement during postoperative period was the main goal of this study. Following ethical committee approval, sixty patients scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy with Americ...
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-4630/1410116
Meta-Analysis and Evidence Base for the Efficacy of High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV) in ARDS Management: Systematic Review and Quality Assessment
Mohamed E Awad, MD, MBA, Mohamed Gaber, MD, Suhib I Alhusban, MD, Sung Chu, BS, Colville HB Ferdinand, MD, FACS and Mohamed Ben Omran, MD
Article Type: Original Article | First Published: December 30, 2020
To evaluate the efficacy of high frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) in management of acute respiratory distress syndrome and determine whether if there is any superiority over the conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV). A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted according to PRISMA checklist and the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. The search of the literature was performed through several search databases: PubMed, MEDLINE via Ovid, and web of science...
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-4630/1410114
Malignant Tracheal Invasion Masked by COVID-19 Symptoms
Chase D Rose, MD, Andrew W Murray, MD, David G Lott, MD, Patrick A Devaleria, MD and Bradford B Smith, MD
Article Type: Case Report | First Published: November 27, 2020
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly altered the delivery of healthcare, particularly for patients undergoing perioperative surgical care. We present a case of successful airway and surgical management of a patient with substernal tracheal invasion by thyroid cancer whose care was complicated by a diagnosis of COVID-19. We recommend providers exhibit vigilance in addition to multidisciplinary evaluation and planning to limit exposure and avoid potential morbidity an...
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-4630/1410113
Trans-Thoracic Echocardiography during VA-ECMO: May the Supra-Sternal Notch View Detect a Too-Proximally Watershed Area?
Enrico Giustiniano, MD and Maurizio Cecconi, MD, FRCA, FFICM, MD(Res)
Article Type: Case Report | First Published: November 19, 2020
Veno-Arterial Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (VA-ECMO) in adults has grown over the last decades as a life-saving procedure. Trans-thoracic (TTE) and trans-esophageal (TEE) echocardiography are recommended tool to manage such cases. A 35-years-old female patient suffering from myocarditis after bone marrow transplant for lymphoblastic leukemia underwent V-A ECMO due to a severe Left Ventricle disfunction which developed abruptly. Given the rapid clinical worsening we opted for the extracor...