Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5793/1510021
Preventing a Mass Disease: The Case of Gallstones Disease. Role and Competence for Family Physicians
Ignazio grattagliano
Article Type: Review Article | First Published: November 23, 2015
Gallstone formation is due to a complex interaction between genetic and nongenetic factors. Genes are estimated to account for only about one-fourth of the overall gallstone risk, while metabolic/environmental factors are at least partially modifiable in stone-free risk groups, acting by primary prevention measures on diet, lifestyle and/or the environment or, in selected patients (i.e. rapid weight loss, bariatric surgery, somatostatin or analogues therapy, transient gallbladder stasis, hormone...
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5793/1510020
California Physicians' Opinions of the Interface between Oral and Overall Health: A Preliminary Study
Paul Gavaza, Wonha Kim, Rashid Mosavin and Nguyen Ta
Article Type: Research Article | First Published: November 20, 2015
Background: Oral health is a significant health challenge in the United States. The aim of the study is to investigate California physicians' knowledge and opinion of the interface between oral and overall health as well as their recommendations for strengthening the oral and overall health interface. Method: The questionnaire, a self-addressed, postage paid return envelope and a cover letter explaining the purpose of the project was mailed to 1,000 California physicians. The survey had a total ...
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5793/1510019
Do Culturally Sensitive Psychological Support Interventions Reduce Stress in Black and Hispanic Professional Health Science Students: A Pilot Study
Samuel R Terrazas, Kathy Revtyak, Krizia Mendez, Marisela Padilla, Jacen S Moore and A Daniel Peralta
Article Type: Short Communication | First Published: November 13, 2015
Stress is a transactional process affected by psychological traits that commonly affect the performance of college students independent of nationality and race. However, Hispanic and Black students tend to perceive more stress in the academic context as a result of many factors, especially insitutional oppression. Many students, including minorities, lack sufficient stress management and coping skills. High levels of stress impact not only mental health, but can lead to physical complications fo...
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5793/1510018
Medical Student Health Literacy Perspectives and Experiences
Julienne K Kirk, Stephen W Davis, Jade Hairston, Kathryn Melius and Gail S Marion
Article Type: Research Article | First Published: November 09, 2015
Medical students described a variety of scenarios they experienced in their first two or three years of medical school and 17 quotes from the narratives were selected from 130 stories. There were four dominant themes identified from student narratives that were related to communication. These categories included information management, active listening, addressing feelings and reaching common ground. Results suggest that medical students can identify effective and ineffective communication and h...