Table 2: Search strategies in the different bibliographic databases and hits.


Search ((((((("osteoporosis"[MeSH Terms] OR "osteoporoses"[Title/Abstract] OR "post traumatic osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR post traumatic osteoporoses[Title/Abstract] OR "osteoporosis senile"[Title/Abstract] OR "senile osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone loss age related"[Title/Abstract] OR "age related bone loss"[Title/Abstract] OR "age related bone losses"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone loss, osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "age related osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "age related osteoporoses"[Title/Abstract] OR "osteoporosis, postmenopausal"[MeSH Terms] OR "perimenopausal bone loss"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone loss postmenopausal"[Title/Abstract] OR "post menopausal osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "postmenopausal osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "postmenopausal osteoporoses"[Title/Abstract] OR "postmenopausal bone loss"[Title/Abstract] OR "female athlete triad syndrome"[MeSH Terms] OR "female athlete triad"[Title/Abstract] OR "decalcification, pathologic"[MeSH Terms] OR "pathologic decalcification"[Title/Abstract] OR "corticosteroid induced osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "idiopathic osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "involutional osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "juvenile osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "primary osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "secondary osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone density"[MeSH Terms] OR "bone densities"[Title/Abstract] OR "density, bone"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone mineral density"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone mineral densities"[Title/Abstract] OR "density, bone mineral"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone mineral content"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone mineral contents"[Title/Abstract] OR "bmd"[Title/Abstract] OR "fractures, bone"[MeSH Terms] OR "broken bones"[Title/Abstract] OR "broken bone"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone fractures"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone fracture"[Title/Abstract] OR "fracture, bone"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone mineral density"[Title/Abstract] OR "low bone mass"[Title/Abstract] OR "low bone mass density"[Title/Abstract] OR "low bone mineral density"[Title/Abstract] OR "low bone"[Title/Abstract] OR "low bone density"[Title/Abstract] OR "postmenopausal bone loss"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone loss osteoporosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone loss postmenopausal"[Title/Abstract] OR "bone loss"[Title/Abstract])) NOT cancer [sb])) AND (("Denosumab"[Mesh] OR "denosumab"[Title/Abstract] OR "prolia"[Title/Abstract] OR "xgeva"[Title/Abstract] OR "amg 162"[Title/Abstract] OR "amg162"[Title/Abstract]))) AND (((((((("Jaw Diseases/chemically induced"[Mesh] OR "Jaw Diseases/drug effects"[Mesh] OR "Jaw Diseases/growth and development"[Mesh] OR "Jaw Diseases/pathology"[Mesh] OR "Jaw Diseases/pharmacology"[Mesh]))) OR (("Maxillary Diseases/chemically induced"[Mesh] OR "Maxillary Diseases/chemistry"[Mesh] OR "Maxillary Diseases/drug therapy"[Mesh] OR "Maxillary Diseases/pathology"[Mesh]))) OR (("osteomyelitis/pathology"[MeSH Terms] OR "osteomyelitis/chemically induced"[MeSH Terms] OR "osteomyelitis/secondary"[MeSH Terms] OR "osteomyelitis/drug therapy"[MeSH Terms]))) OR (("periodontal attachment loss/chemically induced"[MeSH Terms] OR "periodontal attachment loss/drug therapy"[MeSH Terms] OR "periodontal attachment loss/pathology"[MeSH Terms]))) OR (("Periodontal Diseases/chemically induced"[Mesh] OR "Periodontal Diseases/chemistry"[Mesh] OR "Periodontal Diseases/drug effects"[Mesh] OR "Periodontal Diseases/injuries"[Mesh] OR "Periodontal Diseases/pathology"[Mesh] OR "Periodontal Diseases/secondary"[Mesh]))) OR (("Periodontitis/chemically induced"[Mesh] OR "Periodontitis/drug effects"[Mesh] OR "Periodontitis/pathology"[Mesh]))))) NOT (("Animals"[Mesh] NOT ("Animals"[Mesh] AND "Humans"[Mesh])))


'osteoporosis'/exp OR 'decalcification, pathologic' OR 'endocrine osteoporosis' OR 'osteoporosis' OR 'osteoporotic decalcification' AND ('denosumab'/exp OR 'amg 162' OR 'amg162' OR 'amgiva' OR 'denosumab' OR 'prolia' OR 'xgeva') AND ('jaw disease'/exp OR 'jaw disease' OR 'jaw diseases' OR 'jaw disorder' OR 'mandible injury' OR 'mandibular diseases' OR 'mandibular injuries' OR 'mandibular injury' OR 'maxillary diseases' OR 'temporomandibular disorder' OR 'osteomyelitis'/exp OR 'osteomyelitis' OR 'periodontal disease'/exp OR 'dental loss' OR 'dental migration' OR 'dental mobility' OR 'edentulism' OR 'furcation defects' OR 'mesial movement of teeth' OR 'paradontal disease' OR 'paradontopathy' OR 'paraodontopathy' OR 'parodentopathy' OR 'parodontal disease' OR 'parodontium disease' OR 'parodontive tissue disease' OR 'peridontal disease' OR 'peridontal tissue disease' OR 'peridontium disease' OR 'periodontal atrophy' OR 'periodontal attachment loss' OR 'periodontal cyst' OR 'periodontal disease' OR 'periodontal diseases' OR 'periodontal infection' OR 'periodontium disease' OR 'periodontopathy' OR 'tooth loss' OR 'tooth migration' OR 'tooth mobility' OR 'tooth movement' OR 'periodontitis'/exp OR 'paradontitis' OR 'parodontitis' OR 'peridontitis' OR 'periodontitis') AND ('clinical trial'/de OR 'controlled clinical trial'/de OR 'controlled study'/de OR 'drug dose comparison'/de OR 'human'/de OR 'phase 3 clinical trial'/de OR 'phase 3 clinical trial (topic)'/de OR 'practice guideline'/de OR 'randomized controlled trial'/de OR 'randomized controlled trial (topic)'/de OR 'systematic review'/de) AND 'review'/it AND ([english]/lim OR [french]/lim OR [spanish]/lim)


#1 MeSH descriptor: [Osteoporosis] explode all trees 3542
#2 MeSH descriptor: [Neoplasms] explode all trees 61198
#3 #1 not #2 3360
#4 MeSH descriptor: [Denosumab] explode all trees 115
#5 MeSH descriptor: [Jaw Diseases] explode all trees and with qualifier(s): [Chemically induced - CI] 19
#6 MeSH descriptor: [Maxillary Diseases] explode all trees 0
#7 MeSH descriptor: [Osteomyelitis] explode all trees 134
#8 MeSH descriptor: [Periodontal Attachment Loss] explode all trees 734
#9 MeSH descriptor: [Periodontal Diseases] explode all trees 4510
#10 MeSH descriptor: [Periodontitis] explode all trees 2100
#11 #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 4682
#12 #3 and #4 and #11 00