Table 2: Behavior categories included in type of interaction.

Initiates Joint Attention (IJA)

• Alternates gaze: Looks at object - Looks at partner's face/eyes - Looks at same object

• Points: Extends index finger in direction of an object

• Shows: Holds out a toy to partner but does not permit her to take it.

• Offers: Puts a toy into partner's hand spontaneously and permits her to take it.

Responds to Joint Attention (RJA)

• Follows interest: Looks at the direction indicated by partner's pointing, giving, or showing.

• Offers after request: Puts object into partner's hand and permits her to take it, after partner's request.

Simple Functional Play (SFP)

• Conventional acts on a single object accompanied by relevant sounds (e.g. for chewing or car noise).

• Conventional acts on object directed to self (e.g., brushing one's hair)

Elaborated Functional Play (EFP)

• Conventional acts on object directed to partner (e.g., holding toy telephone to the mother's ear).

• Conventional acts on object directed to doll (e.g., placing a spoon to a doll's mouth)

• Conventional use of two or more objects in combination (e.g., stirring a spoon in a pot).

Symbolic Play (SP)

• Doll as agent: Plays with a doll as if it could act as an independent agent (e.g., could walk)

• Substitution play: Uses an object as if it was a different object (e.g., substituting a ball for food to feed a doll)

• Imaginary play: Creates objects or people that are not present in the immediate environment (e.g., talking to someone on the phone).

Solitary Play (SOLP)

• Looks around

• Acts on an object without addressing the partner.