Table 1: Patient characteristics.

Patient number 19
11 Female (57.9%)
8 Male (42.1%)
Mean age 44 ± 19 (18-91)
Pre-op parathormon (pg/ml) 1811 ± 901 (436-3513)
Pre-op calcium (mg/dl) 9.57 ± 1.59 (6.2-12.8)
Hyperparathyroidism Secondary 16 (84.2%)
Tertiary 3 (15.6%)
Operation Subtotal parathyroidectomy 11 (57.8%)
Re-operation 3 (15.8%)
Minimal invasive surgery 5 (26.3%)
Calcium phosphorus product (CaxP) 47.55 ± 17.34 (23-81)
Surgical success rate 68.40%
The most common symptom Bone and muscle pain (84.2%)
Permanent hypoparathyroidism 3/19 (15.8%)
Duration of post-op follow-up (month) 40.78 ± 22.21 (1-78)