Table 1: Systematic search strategy.

Focused question What effects does platelet-rich fibrin have on bone regeneration procedures of the jaws compared to traditional techniques?
Search strategy
Population (1) MeSh terms: "bone regeneration" OR "alveolar ridge augmentation" OR "alveolar bone atrophy" OR "alveolar process atrophy" OR "maxillary sinus" OR "alveolar bone loss"
Intervention (2) MeSh terms not applicable for "Platelet-rich fibrin". Keywords: Platelet-rich fibrin OR Platelet-rich fibrin OR PRF OR L-PRF OR PRGF
Outcome (3) MeSh terms: Bone healing OR tissue healing OR bone regeneration. Keywords: Bone formation OR dimensional changes.
Search combination 1 AND 2 AND 3
Search in databases
Language English/Spanish
Electronic databases MEDLINE/PubMed, Cochrane, EMBASE (Science-Direct, Ebsco-host, Clinical-key) y Epistemonikos
Selection criteria
Inclusion criteria RCT, CCT and prospective cohort studies with control group, with informed consent approved by patients and SRs which evaluate the same aspects.
Studies that lead to quantitative or qualitative analysis of changes in bone volume and/or soft tissues post-regenerative therapy.
Population (P): Systemically healthy human patients with a lack of alveolar bone and/or in need of bone grafts for implant therapies, without restriction due to age, time of follow-up or number of patients.
Intervention (I): Use of PRF as a biomaterial alone or in combination with a graft material in different bone grafting techniques.
Comparison (C): Traditional periodontal therapy or traditional grafting techniques using substitute bone or control site without intervention.
Outcomes (O): Alveolar bone regeneration (evaluated clinically, radiographically and/or histologically).
Exclusion criteria We excluded animal studies, case reports, case series, technical notes, non-systematic reviews, studies that included the use of PRF in applications other than bone regeneration and/or that used PRP instead of PRF, which included patients with systemic compromise, insufficient platelet count (< 200,000 Umm3), pregnant/lactating or tobacco use.