Table 1: Description of the head and neck muscles, and strategies for application of botulinum toxin (Botulift - Medytox - South Korea) in pre and post-surgery.

Muscle Name ORIGIN INSERTION Action Facial Expression Quantity Depth
M. Nasal Jaw (canine eminence) Wing of the nose and lower portion of the back Dilates and compresses the nose Enoyed 2U Central 1U Lateral 3 A 4 mm Perpendicular 1 A 2 mm Parallel
M. Nasal septum depressor Alveolar eminence of the central incisor Nasal septum Movement of the nostrils Nose movement when talking 2 a 3 U 3 A 5 mm (45 degrees)
M. Orbicular of the mouth "Bone: anterior midline of maxilla and mandible Muscle: angle of the mouth where fibers blend with other muscles" Upper and lower lip/Skin along the mouth Brings lips closer Kiss 1U per point bilateral (4 a 6 points) 1 mm
M. Mouth angle lifter Maxilla and zygomatic bone above the foramen IO Angle of mouth Elevate the angle of the mouth Strong smile-mouth aisle exposure 2 a 5 U 4 a 5 mm
M. Upper lip lifter Maxilla and zygomatic bone above the foramen IO Upper lip Raiser and everte the upper lip strong smile 2 a 4 U 3 a 4 mm
M. Upper lip and nose wing lifter Maxilla (front process) Nose wing and upper lip Elevate and everte the upper lip and dilate the nostril Smile strong and disgusted 2 a 4 U 3 a 4 mm
M. Lower lip Jaw base Lower lip Traces lower lip infero-laterally When raising the lower lip it stretches the lower lip 2 U 4 mm
M. Mouth angle depressor Mandible Angle of mouth Depresses the corner of the mouth When raising the lower lip-it stretches the lower lip loweing muscle 2 U 4 mm
M. Mentual Incisive jaw bone Mint skin Raises and protracts the lower lip Raise lower lip-Duck beak 2 a 3 U 4 a 5 mm
M. Platisma Sternum-clavicular region Jaw base Spread and wrinkles the skin of the neck Lift and lower your neck 1 U per point bilateral (20 a 30 points) 1 mm
M. Masseter Zygomatic arch Lateral side of the branch and base of the mandible Jaw lift Occlusion and contact of posterior teeth 9 a 25 U 10 a 13 mm
M. Temporal Temporal pit/Sphenoid tube Coronoid process/Mandibular temporal crest Jaw lifting and retraction Occlusion and contact of posterior teeth 60% (anterior 0 and 40% (posterior) of the masseter 8 a 13 mm
M. Medial pterygoid Pterygoid process Medial side of the branch and mandibular annulus Elevate, protract and lateral jaw movement Opening, closing and laterality 5 U 5 a 8 mm
M. Lateral pterygoid Pterygoid process Articular and pterygoid disc Depress and protract the jaw/disc and lateral movement Opening, closing and laterality 2 a 3 U Direct muscular or arthroscopic route