Table 1: Patient data.

Age/Gender Indication for surgery No. of previous surgeries ASA Operative side Residence Substance abuse Employed Time to union (months) Pain at final follow-up
35 F ON with plexus injury 3 2 R Country Opioid dependence N 16 Y
35 M ON Multiple 2 R Country Opioid dependence Y 13 Y
38 M Post-traumatic OA 11 3 R Metropolitan Opioid dependence N Revision arthrodesis Y
45 M OA with axillary nerve palsy Unknown 2 L Country Amphetamine use N Lost to follow-up N
27 M OA with instability Nil 2 R Metropolitan Opioid dependence N 8 ^N
33 M OA with obstetric plexus injury Nil 1 R Metropolitan N Y (manual labour) 31 N
23 F Recurrent instability with refractory seizures Nil 3 R Country N N 12 ^N

ON: osteonecrosis humeral head; OA: glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis; R: right; L: left; N: no; Y: yes; ^: frustrated by reduced range of motion.