Table 1: Th Quality of life issues associated with neck and lower back pain.

Quality of life issue Associated area No. (%)a Average severityb
Pain intensity Neck 28 (13%) 0.18
Back 48 (23%) 0.31
Personal care Neck 3 (1%) 0.01
Back 10 (5%) 0.05
Lifting Neck 18 (9%) 0.10
Back 38 (18%) 0.24
Sleeping Neck 31 (15%) 0.22
Back 45 (21%) 0.32
Sitting Back 52 (25%) 0.34
Standing Back 60 (29%) 0.38
Walking Back 6 (3%) 0.04
Social life Back 13 (6%) 0.08
Traveling Back 29 (14%) 0.15
Reading Neck 63 (30%) 0.42
Headaches Neck 83 (40%) 0.66
Concentration Concentration 40 (19%) 0.26
Work Neck 11 (5%) 0.07
Driving Neck 26 (12%) 0.13
Recreation Neck 15 (7%) 0.08

aNumber with some degree of disability (> 0); bDegree of severity ranged from 0-5, with 5 being most severe. Calculated for all responders, including those who reported severity of 0.