Table 1: Sensitivity, specificity, drinking behaviour and window of assessment of alcohol biomarkers [7,8,23,65,73].

Biomarkers Sample Source Sensitivity% Specificity% Drinking Behaviour Window of Assessment
GGT Serum/Plasma 40-50 80-90 Chronic Heavy Drinking 2-3 weeks
MCV Blood 60-90 30-75 Chronic Heavy Drinking 2-4 months
ALT/AST Serum/Plasma 15-69 50-95 Chronic Heavy Drinking 2-3 weeks
CDT Serum/Plasma 80-90 85-95 Heavy alcohol use 2-3 weeks
5-HTOL Urine n/a** n/a** Recent Use 5-20 hours
PEth Blood 80-90 90-95 Heavy alcohol use* 2-4 weeks
FAEE Serum > 75 > 75 Recent Use 2-3 days
FAEE Hair 100 90 Chronic Heavy Drinking Several Months depending upon hair length
EtG Urine 73-75 55-60 Recent Use 2-5 days
EtG Hair 70-90 80-95 Chronic Heavy Drinking Several Months depending upon hair length

*= more than 60 grams per day (4-5 standard drinks); **n/a = data not available.