Table 2: Some basic statistical parameters of Fe, Zn, Br, Rb, and Sr concentration (mg/L) in prostate fluid of health men and patients with prostatitis.

Condition Element Mean SD SEM Min Max Median Per.
31-75 years
n = 42
Br 2.81 2.88 0.57 0.490 8.53 1.26 0.496 8.53
Fe 8.29 7.49 1.37 1.27 39.8 7.47 1.29 22.9
Rb 1.15 0.51 0.09 0.376 2.45 1.05 0.424 2.38
Sr 1.17 0.83 0.16 0.400 3.44 1.15 0.400 3.19
Zn 559 204 32 253 948 549 254 941
37-65 years
n = 33
Br 3.35 2.64 0.69 0.120 9.85 2.98 0.201 8.73
Fe 10.9 9.6 2.3 3.85 41.9 6.97 4.06 35.6
Rb 2.32 1.13 0.30 0.730 4.54 1.75 0.935 4.34
Sr ≤ 1.57 - - 0.210 2.93 - - -
Zn 382 275 48 62.0 1051 295 75.0 950

M: Arithmetic Mean; SD: Standard Deviation; SEM: Standard Error of Mean; Min: Minimum Value; Max: Maximum Value; Per. 0.025: Percentile with 0.025 L; Per. 0.975: Percentile with 0.975 Level; DL: Detection Limit.