Table 1: Indications for pregnancy termination in preeclampsia.

Maternal indications

Fetal indications

- Gestational age at 37 weeks; or

- Gestational age at 34 weeks with:

- In labor or membrane rupture

- Worsening of maternal well-being

- Persistent severe headache or visual changes; eclampsia

- Respiratory distress; chest tightness with crackles on auscultation and/or oxygen saturation < 94 percent in room air; pulmonary edema.

- Uncontrolled severe hypertension despite treatment

- Oliguria < 500 mL/24 hours or serum creatinine 1.5 mg/dL

- Persistent platelet count < 100,000/L,

- Elevated AST or ALT concentration > 2 × upper limit with RUQ or epigastric pain,

-             - Suspected placenta aburption, progressive labor, and/or membrane rupture [7].

Delivery by cesarean section can be offered at 25-26 weeks of gestation with an estimated fetal weight of 600g and with normal fetal parameters (umbilical cord Doppler, cardiotocography), after complete corticosteroid administration and administration of magnesium sulphate [12].

- Severe growth restriction (< 5th percentile for EGA)

- Persistent severe oligohydramnios AFI < 5 cm/DVP < 2 cm.

- Biophysical profile is done 4 times with an interval of 4-6 hours

- Presence of reversed end-diastolic umbilical artery flow

- Presence of repeated late or severe varibability of fetal heart rate with decelerations

- Fetal death [7].