Table 2: Disease-specific characteristics.




Mean age when respondent experienced first symptoms, years (n)

16 (87)

6 (289)

Mean age of diagnosis, years (n)a

17 (86)

7 (287)

Comorbidities, % (n)



60% (52)

44% (127)

Allergies affecting the respondents the most, % (n)

     Allergies to animals (dogs, cats, horses, etc.)

22% (19)

23% (67)

     Allergies to pollen (grasses, weeds, trees, etc.)

40% (35)

54% (155)

     Allergies to house dust mites

30% (26)

22% (63)

     Other year-round allergies (cockroaches, mold etc.)

8% (7)

1% (4)

Allergy symptoms, % (n)

     Stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing or post-nasal drip

87% (76)

88% (254)

     Itchy, red or watery eyes

78% (68)

80% (230)

     Shortness of breath, chest tightness or pain, coughing or wheezing

61% (53)

59% (170)

     Itchy skin reactions, skin pain or redness of skin

33% (29)

37% (107)

     The symptoms are troublesome

86% (75)

90% (261)

Monoallergic vs. Polyallergic, % (n)


29% (25)

24% (69)


71% (62)

76% (220)

Medication use, % (n)


     Oral antihistamines

80% (70)

85% (246)


74% (64)

78% (226)

      Nasal sprays and drops

71% (62)

73% (212)

      Eye drops

64% (56)

59% (170)

Medication use every day (of those using the medication), % (n)

     Oral antihistamines

21% (15)

26% (63)


17% (11)

18% (40)

     Nasal sprays and drops

15% (9)

17% (37)

     Eye drops

14% (8)

15% (26)

aMean age of diagnosis is reported for respondents who have been diagnosed by a physician.