Table 5: Standardized regression coefficients in the 3-way models with attention, vision, and base width performance scores as predictors.

Predictors demographics Predicted variables
TMT ratio B/A TMT ratio C/A
Sex -0.105 0.121
Age -0.121 -0.251*
BMI -0.122 -0.005
Dominant foot 0.266* 0.005
Hebrew proficiency -0.045 0.080
Performance scores
Attention 0.316* -0.016
Vision -0.062 -0.236
Base width 0.134 0.237*
Att. X Vis. 0.331* 0.055
Att. X Base -0.239b -0.232a
Vis. X Base 0.006 0.013
Att. X Vis. X Base -0.273* -0.197
Model R2 0.253 0.168
Model F 2.12 1.26
Model p 0.025 0.261
Note: Att.: attention; Vis.: vision; Base: base width; ap < 0.08; bp < 0.06; *p < 0.05.