Table 4: Estimates of FWE when testing at the α = 0.05 and using Method Q to choose the covariate values.

g h n1 n2 a = 1 a = 2
0 0 30 30 0.038 0.066
0 0.2 30 30 0.042 0.063
0.2 0 30 30 0.04 0.063
0.2 0.2 30 30 0.039 0.062
0 0 30 60 0.036 0.048
0 0.2 30 60 0.034 0.047
0.2 0 30 60 0.035 0.047
0.2 0.2 30 60 0.034 0.047
0 0 150 200 0.021 0.036
0 0.2 150 200 0.02 0.031
0.2 0 150 200 0.021 0.034
0.2 0.2 150 200 0.021 0.03

g = skewness parameter for the g-and-h distribution; h = kurtosis parameter for the g-and-h distribution; n1 = first sample size; n2 = second sample size; a = 1 = a straight regression line, a = 2 = a quadratic regression line.