Baseline and angiographic characteristics in previous 16 cases with anomalous RCA arising from the ascending aorta above the left sinus of Valsalva

Study No. of Cases Age/Sex ECG Clinical presentation Associated anomaly Level of high take-off Catheter used Course Coronary angiogram
Yans J, et al. [3] 1 66/M Normal Chest pain NS NS Vein by-pass graft catheter Anterior Normal coronaries
King BD et al. [4] 1 37/M Old postero-lateral MI Chest pain Bicuspid Aortic valve NS JR Anterior Subtotal occlusion at PDA/PL bifurcation
Palomo AR et al. [5] 1 58/M NS Exertional Chest pain Bicuspid Aortic valve 2 cm MP Anterior Triple vessel atherosclerotic CAD
Partridge J et al. [6] 3 6/M NS Elective cardiac cath for congenital AS Congenital bicuspid AS NS NS NS NS
10/F NS Elective cardiac cath for congenital AS Congenital bicuspid AS NS NS NS NS
59/M NS Elective cardiac cath for h/o CAD None NS MP NS NS
Thatcher JL et al. [7] 1 61/M NS Unstable angina None 4 cm AL-1 Anterior Severe diffuse disease
Rovani X et al. [8] 1 47/M Atrial fibrillation Atypical chest pain None NS JR Anterior Normal coronaries
Goldstein PR et al. [9] 1 59/F NS Chest pain None 2 cm MP Anterior NS
Chadow H et al. [10] 1 41/F TWI in leads II, III, aVF and V2-V6 Exertional chest pain None 2 cm AR-1 Anterior Normal coronaries
Ayalp R et al. [11] 3 52-58 /NS Non-specific ST depression Chest pain None 1 cm NS NS NS
Ceyhan C et al. [12] 1 45/F Inferior injury pattern Acute MI None 2-3 cm AR-2 Anterior Ostial 99% occlusion
Lee JJ et al. [13] 1 54/M Inferior injury pattern Acute MI None NS AL-1 Anterior Proximal 95% occlusion (thrombotic)
Jin SA et al. [14] 1 39/M Sinus bradycardia and LVH Exertional chest pain Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm and VSD NS EBU 4.5 Anterior Proximal RCA subtotal occlusion

ECG: Electrocardiogram, M: Male, F: Female, NS: Not Specified, MI: Myocardial Infarction, JR: Judkin’s Right, PDA: Posterior Descending Artery, PL: Postero-Lateral, cm: Centimeter, MP: Multipurpose, CAD: Coronary Artery Disease, AS: Aortic Stenosis, AL: Amplatz Left, TWI: T Wave Inversion, Ar: Amplatz Right, LVH: Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, VAD: Ventricular Septal Defect, EBU: extra back-up, RCA: Right Coronary Artery