Table 1: Cardiovascular response to sustained handgrip

Variables A B t p value
SBP(mmHg) 137.41 ± 18.38 116.07 ± 10.17 19.55 <0.001
DBP(mmHg) 88.90 ± 18.24 68.76 ± 8.16 22.53 <0.001
MAP(mmHg) 105.07 ± 12.05 84.53 ± 8.17 22.54 <0.001
PP(mmHg) 48.51 ± 12.05 47.31 ± 7.33 1.44 0.152
PR(bpm) 90.10 ± 13.99 71.38 ± 10.91 22.04 <0.001
RPP 12403.66 ± 2681.67 8291.11 ± 1495.74 23.17 <0.001

A-Maximum cardiovascular variables during sustained handgrip at 30% of maximum voluntary contraction, B-Sitting (resting) cardiovascular variables
SD: Standard Deviation, SBP: Systolic Blood Pressure, DBP: Diastolic Blood Pressure, MAP: Mean Arterial Pressure, PP: Pulse Pressure, RPP: Rate Pressure Product, bpm: beats per minute, SH: Sustained Handgrip. There was a statistical significant difference between the sitting and maximum cardiovascular variables during sustained handgrip; SBP, DBP, MAP, PR and RPP (t=19.54, p<0.001; t=16.58, p<0.001; t=18.54, p<0.001; t=22.04, p<0.001, t=23.17, p<0.001 respectively). No significant difference in the PP at rest (sitting) and during the sustained handgrip (t=1.44, p=0.152).