Table 6: Characteristics of Survivors vs. Non-survivors.

S. No. Characteristics All subjects (n = 122) Survivors (n = 95) Non-survivors (n = 27) p-value
1 Age (years) 38.9 ± 17.2 37.0 ± 17.6 45.3 ± 14.4 0.028
2 Male/female 92/30 69/26 23/4 0.181
3 SIRS Criteria
Temperature (> 38 °C) 24 (20%) 13 (14%) 11 (41%) 0.001
Heart Rate (> 90/min) 84 (68%) 57 (60%) 27 (100%) 0.000
Respiratory Rate/min 97 (80%) 74 (80%) 23 (85%) 0.084
WBC (> 12000/cmm) 79 (65%) 54 (57%) 25 (93%) 0.000
4 Organ Dysfunction
PO2/FiO2 (< 300 mmHg) 65 (53.3%) 44 (46.3%) 21 (78%) 0.003
Hypotension (SBP < 90 mmHg) 17 (14%) 1 (1%) 16 (59.3%) 0.000
Total bilirubin (> 2 mg/dl) 8 (7%) 2 (2.1%) 6 (22%) 0.001
S creatinine (> 2 mg/dl) 4 (3.5%) 2 (2.1%) 2 (7.4%) 0.175
Platelet count (< 1 lac/cmm) 13 (11%) 8 (8.4%) 5 (18.5%) 0.133
5 Other Routine Investigations
Hemoglobin (< 10 g/dl) 86 (72%) 67 (71%) 20 (75%) 0.708
Hyponatremia (Na < 135 mEq/L) 53 (44%) 39 (41%) 14 (52%) 0.222
Hypokalemia (K < 3.5 mEq/L) 54 (43%) 38 (40%) 16 (59%) 0.068
S protein (< 6 g/dl) 18 (15%) 15 (16%) 3 (11%) 0.620
6 Diagnostic Category 0.000
Medical (Respiratory) 65 (54%) 38 (40%) 27 (100%)
COAD with A/E (chronic obstructive airways disease with acute exacerbation) 23 (35%) 11 (30%) 12 (44%)
Pneumonia 23 (35%) 16 (42%) 7 (26%)
Ca Lung 11 (17%) 8 (21%) 3 (11%)
Others (Miliary TB 2, ILD 3, Silicosis 2, Mitral Stenosis with HF 1) 8 (13%) 3 (8%) 5 (19%)
Surgical (Post thoracic) 57 (46%) 57 (60%) 0 (0%)
7 Length of stay (days)
ICU 6.05 ± 7.5 5.90 ± 7.28 6.56 ± 8.3 0.692
Hospital 11.5 ± 10 12.64 ± 10 7.33 ± 8.4 0.013