Table 3: Relative risk (RR) of hypothension during propofol infusion according to age, mean arterial pressure (MAP), need for renal transplantation and APACHEII score.

Model 1 RR [95% CI] a
Age, 19-44 years [12]
Age, 45-64 years 2.07 [1.30; 3.29]
Age, 65-80 years 3.05 [1.85; 5.02]
MAP, 100-133 mmHg [12]
MAP, 63-79 mmHg 5.28 [2.48; 11.21]
MAP, 80-99 mmHg 3.59 [1.68; 7.67]
No [12]
Yes 2.79 [1.77; 4.41]
Model 2
APACHEII score, 2-9 points [12]
APACHEII score, 10-14 points 4.00 [2.11; 7.59]
APACHEII score, 15-30 points 4.83 [2.65; 8.80]

aRelative risks and 95% Confidence intervals were estimated by Poisson models with robust error variance; Model 1 included age, MAP and RRT; whereas Model 2 included APACHEII score.