Table 1: Evaluation of the iatrogenic elements of the process teaching theoretical learning in intensive care in the process of updating and training in intensive care from the perspective of the health professional (n = 163).

Elements evaluated in the process of teaching theoretical learning Concept
Excellent % Good % Regular % Bad %
Teaching method 30 18.4 45 27.6 38 23.4 50 30.6
Educational material used 24 14.3 40 23.9 32 19.1 67 40.1
Reciprocity between theoretical and practical 26 15.9 54 33.7 63 37.7 20 12.7
Technological knowledge 28 17.3 45 27.6 42 25.7 48 29.4
Knowledge of Facilitators 45 27.6 42 25.7 37 22.6 39 23.9