Table 1: Characteristics of female Hodgkin's patients with and without breast cancer and 10:1 controls.

HL with BC Controls HL without BC Controls case-case
Characteristic N % N % P N % N % P P
Total 42 100% 420 100% 946 100% 9,456 100%
Race and ethnicity
White/non-Hispanic 41 97.60% 386 91.90% 851 90% 8,363 88.40%
Other ethnicity 1 2.40% 34 8.10% 0.35 95 10% 1,093 11.60% 0.18 0.11
Year of HL diagnosis
1966-1999 40 95.20% 534 56.40%
2000-2011 2 4.80% 412 43.60% < 0.001
Age of HL diagnosis
≤ 30 years 26 61.90% 490 51.80%
> 30 years 16 38.10% 456 48.10% 0.21
Median age at HL (range) 25y (8-69y) 30y (2-93y) 0.19
Breast cancer diagnosis
No 0 0% 407 96.90% 946 100% 9,189 97.20%
Yes 42 100% 13 3.10% 0% 0% 267 2.80%
Age at BC diagnosis
≤ 55 years 27 64.30% 8 61.50% 89 33.30%
> 55 years 15 35.70% 5 38.50% 0.02 178 66.70%
Median age at BC (range) 48y (31-77y) 53y (34-93y) 0.09 63y (30-94y)
Median time to BC (range) 37y (16-49y) 38y (21-46y) 0.57 36y (1-49y)
Mean follow up (± SD), y 35.9 (8.9y) 47 (5.9y) < 0.001 36.9 (12.2y) 40.9 (10.0y) < 0.001 0.48
Number of HL/controls:
No BC in FDR 32 76.20% 384 91.40% 891 94.20% 8870 93.80%
Yes BC in FDR 10 23.80% 36 8.60% 0.005 55 5.80% 586 6.20% 0.72 < 0.001
BC age ≤ 55y in FDR 6 14.30% 20 4.80% 0.02 37 3.80% 408 4.30% 0.61 0.008
Number of FDR: 140 100% 1272 100% 2595 100% 25,475 100%
No BC diagnosis 128 91.40% 1234 97% 2533 97.60% 24,833 97.50%
Yes BC diagnosis 12 < 0.001 38 3% 0.003 62 2.40% 642 2.50% 0.74 < 0.001
FDR per proband 3.3 3 2.7 2.7