Table 1: Distribution of certain history variables of the exposed and non-exposed groups to PI.

Variable Exposed (n = 12) Non-Exposed (n = 40) p
Average Age (in years) (**) 33 ± 6 31 ± 5.4 0.255
Average Duration of the Disease (**) 4.3 ± 4.31 3.6 ± 3.1 0.895
Median- Pregnancies (***) 1 2 0.061
Classification (*)
A (0.25),
B (0.75), C 0)
A (0.15),
B (0.77), C (0.25)
Type of Treatment (*) Insulin and Diet (0.80), Diet (0.20) Insulin and Diet (0.80), Diet (0.20) 0.580
Schooling ≤ Junior High (*) 0.75 0.57 0.229

Chi-square (*)

Student t (**)

Difference of medians (***)

The number in parenthesis means the proportion.