Table 1: Signs of lateral ankle x-ray that have previously been associated with ruptured Achilles tendon.

Sign on x - ray Description
Kager's sign [8] Loss of sharp contour of the fat pad in Kager's triangle, margins become serrated and indistinct. Triangle becomes smaller, less transparent and covered by a network like shadow.
Toygar's angle [9] Angle of the posterior skin surface curve. The angle diminishes in patients with rupture and considered pathological if less than 150°.
Positive Arner's angle [10] Anterior contour of the Achilles tendon curves away from the calcaneus between the insertion of the Achilles tendon, at the posterior aspect of the calcaneus, and the superior aspect of the calcaneus. Proximal to the upper part of the calcaneus the anterior contour shows a forward deviation, resulting in non-parallelism of the tendon and skin surface.
Thickness of Achilles tendon [11] A thickness of more than 8 mm is considered abnormal.
Tibio - first metatarsal angle - indicator of ankle neutrality [12] Angle produced by a line drawn through the mechanical axis of the tibia and a line drawn parallel to and bisecting the first metatarsal shaft. Neutral ankle defined as ≤ 100° - ankle adopts more neutral position when Achilles tendon is ruptured.