Table 1: Data on the mean sphere measured initially and with a time lapse for non-progressive myopes who participated in the study with the hologram

S No Initial Age (Years) Initial Mean Sphere (D) Time elapsed (Years) Mean Sphere after time elapsed (D) Progression rate (D per year) Limiting Blur (D) Pupil Size (mm)
1 38 -0.375 1.92 -0.50 -0.07 0.07 6.1
2 33 -0.375 4.06 -0.75 -0.09 0.59 -
3 35 -0.5 1.74 -0.50 0 0.96 4.1
4 19 -0.5 4.34 -1.25 -0.17 0.46 -
5 8 -0.75 2.67 -1.125 -0.14 0.46 6
6 18 -1.375 2.58 -1.50 -0.05 1.01 -
7 11 -2.75 3.71 -3.25 -0.13 0.46 7.3
8 17 -3.125 1.1 -3.125 0 1.01 7
9 28 -3.375 1 -3.375 0 0.59 5
10 17 -4.375 2.95 -4.375 0 0.59 -
11 25 -5.25 2.08 -5.5 -0.12 -0.06 6.9
12 25 -5.5 2.08 -5.625 -0.06 0.46 6.7
Mean: 22.8 -2.35 2.57 -2.76 -0.07 0.55 6.1
Std Dev: 9.5 1.96 1.12 1.86 0.06 0.33 1.1