Table 1: Baseline central macular thickness (CMT) and changes 3 months postoperatively classified into three categories according to optical coherence tomography findings (n = 24).

Base line/*Change in CMT Improved Unchanged Worsened
CMT ≤ 300 μm (n = 6) 1 4 1
300 μm < CMT ≤ 400 μm (n = 10) 5 2 3
400 μm < CMT ≤ 600 μm (n = 5) 3 2 0
CMT > 600 μm (n = 3) 1 1 1

*A change in CMT was defined as a change of 20% or more. Improved = a 20% or greater decrease in CMT, unchanged = a CMT
change from 0%-20%, worsened = a CMT decrease of 20% or greater. CMT: Central Macular Thickness.