Table 5: Association between Blood Pressure and IOP.

(a) BP and IOP Category.

SN Blood Pressure Status No. < 12 mm Hg (n = 9) 12 - 16 mm Hg (642) 16-20 mmHg (n = 706) 20 - 24 mmHg (n = 183) > 24 mmHg (n = 60)
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
1. Normotensive 1330 6 0.5 545 41.0 580 43.6 155 11.7 44 3.3
2. Hypertensive 270 3 1.1 97 35.9 126 46.7 28 10.4 16 5.9

χ2 = 8.065; p = 0.089 (Chi-square test).

(b) BP and Mean IOP.

SN Blood Pressure No. of cases IOP
Mean SD
1. Normotensive 1330 16.95 3.35
2. Hypertensive 270 17.11 3.53

T = -0.725; p = 0.469 (Independent samples't'-test).

(c) IOP and Mean Blood pressure.

SN IOP Category No. of cases SBP DBP
Mean SD Mean SD
1. < 12 mmHg 9 134.22 15.92 82.67 6.56
2. 12 - 16 mmHg 642 127.74 14.00 81.63 7.70
3. 16 - 20 mmHg 706 128.03 14.08 80.61 8.78
4. 20 - 24 mmHg 183 131.45 11.77 81.20 8.96
5. > 24 mm Hg 60 132.43 12.75 85.13 10.44
F (ANOVA) 4.419 4.582
'p' 0.001 0.001

(d) Correlation (Pearson correlation).

Variable R 'p'
SBP vs. IOP 0.057 0.022
DBP vs. IOP 0.027 0.327