Table 2: Sociodemographic Characteristics of Study Sample (n = 1,224).

Variables Total Sample (%) Variables Total Sample (%)
Gender Income (RMB/Month)
Male 72.5 < 2000 49.1
Female 27.5 2000-4999 48.7
Age 5000-10000 1.4
25-60 40.7 > 10000 0.8
> 60 59.3 Health Insurance
Smoker Status Worker Insurance 51.4
Smoker 65 Farm Insurance 27.9
Non-Smoker 35 Urban Resident 2.1
Marital Status Commercial 10.7
Single 1.1 Public Insurance 7.3
Married 90.9 Others 0.5
Divorced 1.6 Employment
Widowed 6.4 Employed 23.5
Education Retired 58.9
Junior High or Less 62.5 Unemployed 17.6
High School 15.1 Duration of Illness
Vocational School 8.3 < 1 40.6
College (2 years a) 7.9 1-2 years 54.9
College Graduate 6.2 > 2 years 4.5
Occupation Types of Hospital
Professionals 45 Local Hospital 9.4
Retailer 3.3 Major Urban Hospital 55.3
Non-agricultural workers 21.1 Special Hospital 35
Non-farm workers 7.9 Others 0.6
Farmers 16.2
Other 6.7
a US$ = 6.23 RMB in 2015