Table 1: Neuronal, astroglial and vascular profiles of different brain regions in non-icteric brain

Indicators Cerebellum Hippocampus Basal ganglia Temporal cortex
Neuronal density (number of neurons/field) 8ɨ/13§ 49 5$ -
Neuron cell body area (µmc) 171ɨ/243§ 265ƒ 327#$ -
Astrocytic density (number of astrocytes/field) 20 16 20 24&
Pericyte vascular coverage (intensity/µm2 of vessel wall) 170 154 158 172
Basement membrane immunoreactivity in intermediate vessels (intensity/µm2 of vessel wall) 186 155 166 181&
Basement membrane area in small vessels (µm2) 53* 40 43 38
Vessel density (number of vessels/mm2) 86 68 74 48**
Small caliber vessels (%) 13* 49 35 46
Caveolin-1 (intensity/µm2 of vessel wall) 178 168 210 209

Immunohistochemical analysis was performed to assess neurons (neurofilaments), astrocytes (glial fibrillary acidic protein), pericytes (α-smooth muscle actin), basement membrane (collagen IV), vessels (cluster of differentiation 34), and caveolae (caveolin-1). *P< 0.05 and **P< 0.01 vs all other regions; #P< 0.05 vs Cerebellum; &P< 0.05 vs Hippocampus; ICerebellar cortex; §Dentate nucleus; ƒAmmon’s horn layer 3; $Globus pallidus