Table 5: Statistical analysis of data relevant to the count of podocytes with reabsorbed intracytoplasmic proteins in the different groups of cases in relation to the level of proteinuria in each group.

Group N Mean of proteinuria level Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Low-Moderate* 9 5.8533** 8.16011 2.35562 0.6686 11.0380 0.01 28.97
High* 13 1.3585** 0.63460 0.17601 0.9750 1.7419 0.49 2.32
Total 22 3.5160 5.99780 1.19956 1.0402 5.9918 0.01 28.97

*Low-moderate and high groups of cases with one-two, three-five podocytes with reabsorbed proteins, respectively; **Significant difference at p-value ˂ 0.05.