Table 1:Publications under Pseudonyms and SK acknowledgement.

Date Title Author ascribed
1841 9/16 On the concept of irony with particular reference to Socrates SK's dissertation
1843 1/10 Either-Or Victor Eremita
5/16 Two edifying discourses SK
10/16 Fear and trembling Johannes de Silento
Repetition Constantin Constantius
Three edifying discourses SK
12/6 Four edifying discourses SK
1844 3/5 Two edifying discourses SK
6/8 Three edifying discourses SK
6/13 Philosophical fragments Johannes Climacus
6/17 The concept of dread Vigilius Haufniensis
8/31 Four edifying discourses SK
1845 4/29 Three occasional discourses SK
4/30 Stages on the road of life Hillarius Bookbinder
1846 2/27 Concluding unscientific postscript Johannes Climacus
1847-1851 A dozen religious works follow in this period
1859 The point of view for my work as an author was published by his brother 4 years after SK death