Table 1: Clinical Settings associated with AKI in children

Clinical Setting Associated with AKI Frequency (%) Clinical Setting Associated with AKI Frequency (%)
*Haemoglobinuuria 31 (15.0) Pyelonephritis 5 (2.4)
**Obstructive uropathy 27 (13.1) Shock (non-septic) 5 (2.4)
Tumour infiltration of the kidneys 20 (9.7) Endocarditis 2 (1)
Gastroenteritis 19 (9.2) Hepatorenal syndrome 2 (1)
Sepsis ± shock 14 (6.8) Acute Interstitial nephritis 2 (1)
AGN 14 (6.8) Snake bite 2 (1)
Malaria 13 (6.3%) Miscellaneous 3 (1.5)
Nephrotic syndrome 11 (5.3) Unknown 25 (12.1)
HUS 6 (2.9) TOTAL 206 (100)
Pneumonia 5 (2.4)

AGN- Acute Glomerulonephritis HUS-Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome
*7 cases had confirmed malaria (black water fever), 5 had Glucose-6-PO4-Dehydrogenase Deficiency, 3 had sickle cell disease. The causes of the remaining 16 could not be determined.
**5 cases were due to ureteral fibrosis from urinary schistosomiasis, 3 cases from nephrolithiasis. The rest were posterior ureteral valve (7), abdominal malignancy (11), and ectopic spleen (1).