Table 2: Mothers demographic characteristics and knowledge of fever.

Mothers characteristics Knowledge of fever (Good) (n = 57) Knowledge of fever (Poor) (n = 43) P- value*
< 30 years 17 32 0.0001
≥ 30 years 40 11
Age of child
< 3 years 14 24 0.04
≥ 3 years 43 19
Marital status
Married 27 20 0.356
Not married 30 23
Number of children
< 3 13 10 0.0001
≥ 3 44 33
Level of education
Formal education 41 6 0.0001
No formal education 16 37
Number of children under five years
< 3 24 23 0.343
≥ 3 33 20