Table 3: MRI diagnoses of 418 consecutive patients examined for non-trauma reasons.

Diagnosis No of patients
Normal 184
Bone lesions 22
Bone cysts 10
Paget’s disease 6
Enchondroma 2
Fibrous dysplasia 3
Transient osteoporosis 1
Soft tissue lesions 39
Abscess 10
Bursitis 14
Ganglion cysts 3
Calcifications 4
Lipoma 2
Tendinopathy 5
Neurofibromatosis 1
Joint disease 173
Coxarthrosis 166
Sacroiliitis 4
Sacroiliitis 3
Total 418

There were no pelvic fractures in 418 patients examined with MRI for non-trauma reasons.06/11/2018