Table 1: Polysomnographic results (The number of the respiratory events, position and sleep stages).

According to sleep stage According to position Total
NREM REM Non-supine Supine
Sleep Time (min.) 198 27.5 168 57.5 225.5
Obstructive apnea 161 27 61 127 188
Mix apnea 0 0 0 0 0
Central apnea 0 0 0 0 0
All apneas 161 27 N/A 127 188
Hypopneas 204 10 197 17 214
All apnea + hypopneas 365 37 258 144 402
Apnea index 48.8 58.9 21.8 132.5 50
Hypopnea index 61.8 21.8 70.4 17.7 56.9
A/H INDEX 110.6 80.7 92.1 150.3 107