Table 2: Bootstrapped linear regression coefficients, R-values and SEE’s in the First Nations lung health project 2012-2013 (males).

Model R2 % Difference SEE
Outcome Predictors
Constant (± S.E) Age (± S.E) (year) Height (± S.E) (cm) BMI (± S.E) ABSI (± S.E)
FVC -8.618(± 7.200) -0.043(± 0.047) 0.086**(± 0.0394) 0.54 0 0.734
FEV1 -6.481(± 4.775) -0.040(± 0.032) 0.068**(± 0.0259) 0.577 0 0.584
FEV1/FVC (%) 103.039*(± 53.294) -0.142(± 0.368) -0.085(± 0.2940) 0.060 0 6.2
FEF25-75 -9.536(± 10.142) -0.036(± 0.070) 0.087(± 0.0546) 0.234 0 1.34
FVC 5.413**(± 1.402) -0.078*(± 0.047) 0.086(± 0.072) 0.417 -22.8 0.826
FEV1 5.288**(± 1.203) -0.059(± 0.043) 0.039(± 0.055) 0.369 -36 0.713
FEV1/FVC (%) 97.258**(± 9.820) 0.023(± 0.223) -0.520(± 0.390) 0.207 245 5.7
FEF25-75 6.942**(± 2.197) -0.033(± 0.083) -0.035(± 0.075) 0.107 -54.3 1.447
FVC 7.910(± 5.824) -0.051(± 0.068) -10.863**(± 77.452) 0.269 -50.2 0.225
FEV1 1.840(± 4.848) -0.051(± 0.063) 51.271(± 64.902) 0.362 -37.3 0.717
FEV1/FVC (%) -0.566(± 39.499) -0.220(± 0.205) 1085.266**(± 479.60) 0.378 530 5.1
FEF25-75 -10.701(± 10.053) -0.060(± 0.083) 209.323*(± 126.149) 0.307 31.2 1.275

Note: FVC: Forced Vital Capacity; FEV1: Forced Expiratory Volume during the first second; FEF25-75: Forced Expiratory Flaw during the middle half of the forced vital capacity;

BMI: Body Mass Index; ABSI: A Body Shape Index; *: indicates p-value < 0.10; **: indicates p-value < 0.05; indicates difference % with respect to the model containing only Age and Height.