Table 3: Use of FEF 25-75% to predict combined outcome (CO) of ventilatory limitation (VR ≤ 15%) & reduced exercise capacity; and low VR (≤ 15%) at peak exercise.

FEF 25-75% predicted Sensitivity CO Specificity CO Positive Predictive value CO Negative Predictive value CO Sensitivity VR ≤ 15% Specificity VR ≤ 15% Positive Predictive value VR ≤ 15% Negative Predictive value VR ≤ 15%
≤ 10 15% 99% 73% 87% 11% 99% 73% 80%
≤ 20 42% 95% 59% 90% 33% 96% 68% 83%
≤ 30 65% 89% 52% 94% 53% 91% 62% 87%
≤ 40 73% 82% 43% 94% 61% 84% 52% 88%
≤ 50 85% 74% 36% 96% 71% 75% 45% 90%